Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Coffee Culture Essay Essay Example

Coffee Culture Essay Essay Example Coffee Culture Essay Essay Coffee Culture Essay Essay Coffee has been around for a really long clip. It is no happenstance that such an influential and built-in drink has created a cultural kingdom of its ain. Harmonizing to â€Å"Hot and Bothered: Coffee and Caffeine Humor† by Elise Decamp with Catherine M. Tucker. java wit has been depicted to be one of the regards that has culturally elevated coffee-drinking to a another human facet – wit. Wit can be interpreted and expressed in more ways than one. There are no set regulations of what constitutes wit in any society ; hence. wit comes in many forms and sizes. So. how is increasing java wit relayed to â€Å"caffeine civilization? † Each civilization and point in clip is different. but java has ever had a strong correlativity to a â€Å"caffeine culture† that stemmed from the physiological and mental properties that java. or caffeine. imposes on its consumer. Because of its ill-famed effects java has on its consumers. imbibing java has been portrayed as an activating. riveting. and delicious image. The article besides makes mentions to sketchs and studies about devouring java in the mid-1900’s and how it depicted the ingestion of java and its effects. This is possibly because during that span. societies were emerging as more work-oriented lives that led to the more practical usage of java. or caffeine. Coffee wit emerged as a manner of construing java ingestion and its effects by portraying the consumers as really watchful. alive. and even somber. The articles besides notes that research on caffeine ingestion non merely may do a individual more energized and watchful. but besides relaxed and at easiness. This finally led to the relationship java had with its consumers by leting devouring java drinkers to show their affinity and devotedness by either have oning it as a shirt. bumper spine. or on a description via societal media. Finally. java wit has contributed to the image many java drinkers hold and has been an indispensable method of demoing the universe the many faces of imbibing java. Drinking java. nevertheless. has non ever been portrayed as a positive influence. Through java wit. modern preoccupations about java or other facets of modern life have been revealed to be a concern for the ingestion of java. The article explains the usage of caffeine as drug. known as Dopastat. which is responsible for the effects it has on its consumers. Those effects being alertness sleep corruption. high-energy. and an addition in blood force per unit area. Caffeine non merely causes these effects to take topographic point during its consumption. but like many other drugs. it leads to backdowns that conveying forth anxiety. depression. musculus weariness. insomnia. and concerns. These backdowns. nevertheless. merely last a couple yearss. unlike stronger drugs with longer permanent backdowns. Consequently. java wit has taken an reading of the effects of java ingestion by portraying what would go on if person was to travel without imbibing java and their lives would be different. What may look like an guiltless gag at first. could really be analyzed as a portraiture of a societal issue of the possible dangers and misinformed life styles many choose to be a portion of.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Cómo completar las planillas de Inmigración

Cà ³mo completar las planillas de Inmigracià ³n Las peticiones al Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Naturalizacià ³n (USCIS, siglas en inglà ©s), se hacen rellenando la planilla correspondiente al beneficio que se solicita. Cà ³mo obtener las planillas de Inmigracià ³n Los formularios para solicitar beneficios migratorios son gratuitos. Casi todos pueden encontrarse en internet en la pgina del USCIS. Adems, las personas que residen en Estados Unidos pueden tambià ©n solicitar por internet en la pgina de USCIS que se les envà ­en por correo ordinario los formularios. Tambià ©n se puede realizar la misma solicitud marcando al 1-800-870-3676. Es requisito saber quà © nà ºmero de formulario es el que precisa. En un plazo de 10 dà ­as se recibir en casa la planilla solicitada. Todos los formularios se pueden rellenar en papel y, algunos, tambià ©n pueden ser completados y/o enviados por internet. 9 tips para rellenar las planillas en papel de Inmigracià ³n Las reglas generales que deben seguirse son las siguientes: Escribir con tinta negra, preferentemente en letras mayà ºsculas y que puedan fcilmente leerse. Para espacio adicional, si para contestar a alguna pregunta de la planilla se necesita ms espacio, tomar una hoja en blanco y seguir con la respuesta. Adems, firmar esa hoja, ponerle fecha, y el nà ºmero de la pregunta que se est respondiendo. En el caso de que se tenga un nà ºmero del alien registration number, deber tambià ©n incluirse en dicha hoja adicional. Cuando una pregunta no aplique, responder N/A y cuando la respuesta correcta sea â€Å"ninguno†, anotar NONE. Pero no dejar en blanco ese espacio. Para adjuntar la documentacià ³n adicional, como pueden ser pasaportes, tarjetas de residencia, certificados de matrimonio, calificaciones escolares o profesionales, etc. Salvo que se especifique otra cosa, es suficiente adjuntar una fotocopia legible de los documentos. Es recomendable leer con detenimiento las instrucciones de cada formulario. Cabe destacar que si no es necesario enviar el original de un documento pero se envà ­a, USCIS no lo regresa. Debe traducirse al inglà ©s todo documentos que està © en otro idioma. En la mayorà ­a de los casos, no es necesario contratar a un traductor jurado, ni obtener la Apostilla de la Haya ni la firma de un notario pà ºblico. Como regla general, es suficiente que la traduccià ³n la realice una persona con buen conocimiento de los dos idiomas y que asà ­ lo certifique siguiendo este modelo de carta. El pago puede hacerse por money order o cheque o tarjeta de dà ©bito o crà ©dito. En este à ºltimo caso, solo si se envà ­a una solicitud a un lockbox de USCIS. En algunos casos, como en la solicitud I-131A de aplicacià ³n de documento para viajar, es posible pagar online. Si se paga mediante money order o cheque, debe ser pagable a U.S. Department of Homeland Security, por una cantidad en dà ³lares y el cheque o la money order debe ser de un banco radicado en Estados Unidos. Es muy importante no utilizar iniciales. Es decir, no escribir cosas como DHS o USCIS.   Precisamente la verificacià ³n de que se ha efectuado el pago es una de las primeras seà ±ales de que la oficina de inmigracià ³n ha recibido la peticià ³n. Si se desea pagar con una tarjeta de crà ©dito o dà ©bito Visa, MasterCard, American Express o Discovery debe completarse el formulario G-1450. Si cuando USCIS intenta cobrar no hay fondos suficientes, se rechazar la solicitud ya que no intentar el cobro una segunda vez. Para pagar con tarjeta de crà ©dito o dà ©bito debe tratarse de una peticià ³n o solicitud enviada a un lockbox de USCIS. Como ejemplo de dichas peticiones destacan I-130 para peticià ³n de familiar, I-485 para ajuste de estatus, N-400 para solicitar la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense por naturalizacià ³n, etc. Todos los documentos deben firmarse, se puede firmar en tinta azul o negra. Pero recordar que el formulario solo se puede completar en tinta de color negra. Bajo ningà ºn concepto utilizar colores tipo verde, rojo, etc., ya que la peticià ³n ser rechazada. Verificar si se califica para no pagar la tarifa  al USCIS. En casos muy especà ­ficos, puede solicitarse a USCIS no pagar por la cuota de una solicitud cuando pueda alegarse problemas econà ³micos y se estn recibiendo beneficios como Medicaid, cupones de alimentos (SNAP), SSI o TANF. Mentir en una planilla para obtener un beneficio migratorio es un fraude de ley que puede tener  consecuencias graves. Planillas que pueden rellenarse electrà ³nicamente El USCIS permite que se completen por internet ciertas planillas en lo que se conoce como e-filing. Entre las planillas que pueden rellenarse electrà ³nicamente destacan el AR-11 para notificar el cambio de domicilio, el I-90 para reemplazar la tarjeta de residencia, el N-400 para solicitar la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense por naturalizacià ³n o el N-600 para la aplicacià ³n de la emisià ³n del Certificado de Ciudadanà ­a. Para completar de este modo las planillas ser necesario crearse previamente una cuenta en la pgina web del USCIS y seguir las instrucciones pertinentes para cada formulario. En estos casos de e-filing, el pago por la solicitud a la que se aplica puede hacerse mediante tarjeta de crà ©dito, dà ©bito o transferencia bancaria desde una cuenta corriente o de ahorro. Al acabar de rellenar el formulario se recibir una confirmacià ³n de que el USCIS ha recibido la aplicacià ³n. En esa confirmacià ³n aparecer una direccià ³n. Debe enviarse a dicha direccià ³n la documentacià ³n adicional que se necesita en los 7 dà ­as siguientes a haber rellenado la solicitud por internet. Estos documentos que deben adjuntarse estn los que prueban la identidad de la persona que realiza la peticià ³n y tambià ©n su derecho al beneficio que solicita. Por ejemplo, copia de la tarjeta de residencia o de un certificado de nacimiento o matrimonio. El tipo de documentacià ³n adicional depende del tipo de solicitud. En general, ser suficiente una fotocopia legible del documento que se solicita y, si algà ºn documento est en un idioma distinto al inglà ©s, enviarlo traducido. Adems hay que incluir como primera pgina la pgina en la que se ha imprimido la confirmacià ³n de haber realizado la peticià ³n por internet –sà ³lo esa hoja, no copias de toda la solicitud. En los casos en los que tambià ©n se deba enviar fotografà ­as en color tipo pasaporte, estas deben reunir los mismos requisitos que las fotos que se piden cuando se solicita una visa o pasaporte. Deben de tener menos de 30 dà ­as y anotar en el reverso con un lpiz el nà ºmero de confirmacià ³n de la solicitud rellenada por internet y, en los casos en los que sea necesario, el nà ºmero que corresponda al alien registration number. Si no se envà ­an estos documentos, es posible que se cancele la peticià ³n. En algunos casos, se recibir una cara de Peticià ³n de Evidencia (RFE, siglas en inglà ©s) pidiendo la documentacià ³n y fijando un plazo para no enviarla. Sin esos documentos no se tramitar la peticià ³n y se perder el dinero ya abonado. Asesorà ­a para completar las planillas de Inmigracià ³n Si se desea obtener un beneficio migratorio es muy importante estar correctamente asesorado con un buen abogado. Si no se puede pagar, existen organizaciones reputadas que brindan ayuda para llenar los formularios migratorios. En el caso de ser mexicano, se puede llamar a un telà ©fono de consulta donde dan buenas referencias sobre donde buscar ayuda para estos casos. Cà ³mo seguir un caso migratorio Una vez que el USCIS recibe la papelerà ­a, la persona interesada tiene a su disposicià ³n distintas  maneras para informarse de cà ³mo va el caso, desde marcando a seguimiento online o a presentarse en una oficina migratoria. Sin embargo, cabe destacar que los formularios tienen un tiempo de tramitacià ³n que depende de su categorà ­a y de la oficina que debe tramitarlo. USCIS no dar ninguna informacià ³n mientras no llega el tiempo de procesamiento porque, sencillamente, no tiene nada de lo que brindar informacià ³n. Puntos Clave: rellenar formularios de USCIS Los formularios de USCIS pueden obtenerse gratuitamente en la pgina oficial del Servicio de Inmigracià ³n.Los formularios pueden ser en papel y, en algunas solicitudes, es posible utilizar el sistema e-filing, es decir, solicitar un beneficio o presentar una peticià ³n por internet.Todos los formularios deben firmarse.Los formularios en papel deben completarse en tinta negra, escribir N/A como respuesta a las preguntas que no aplican y NONE cuando la respuesta sea ninguno.Pueden aà ±adirse hojas en blanco para incorporar ms informacià ³n.Toda la documentacià ³n adjunta debe traducirse al inglà ©s, si estuviera en un idioma distintoEn principio, no debe enviarse documentacià ³n original y es suficiente copia legible.Puede pagarse con money order, cheque o tarjeta de crà ©dito o dà ©bito.Mentir en un formulario de USCIS para obtener un beneficio migratorio es un fraude de ley, el cual tiene consecuencias graves. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Construction of Poverty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Construction of Poverty - Essay Example It is irrefutable that countries have not been totally successful in the alleviation of poverty. During 2001, The World Bank reports that one-third of the world population or less than three billion people live on less than $2 a day. What is also notable is a huge income inequality in the world as the three richest people in the world are seen to have more wealth than all 600 million people thriving in the world's poorest nations. It is also reported that 50, 000 people die each day due to poverty related causes (Millennium Campaign n.d.). These, together with a lot of empirical evidences show how the world thrives in poverty. There are a lot of factors which are directly linked with poverty. In fact, there is a continuous debate on the underlying causes of poverty making it a politicized issue. Some critics argue that poverty ensues from personal choices or preferences while the other end associates poverty with factors beyond a person's choice. The last view poverty as "the result of many systemic factors" like the lack of opportunity which, is traced to the lack of education which, in turn, is due to the lack of government intervention and provision (Poverty 2006). This report will look at the causes of poverty, specifically how poverty is constructed or heightened by factors beyond personal choices and preferences. This paper will focus on how different organizations, both public and private contribute to poverty. Institutions to be looked at are the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, World Trade Organizations, and multinational corporations. This report will conclude with its findings. World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) Both the World Bank and IMF are agencies which aspire to alleviate global poverty. The mission of World Bank (2006) reads "Our mission is to help developing countries and their people reach the goals by working with our partners to alleviate poverty. To do that we concentrate on building the climate for investment, jobs and sustainable growth, so that economies will grow, and by investing in and empowering poor people to participate in development." On the other hand, IMF (2006) claims that it "provides low-income countries with policy advice, technical assistance, and financial support" and that "low-income countries receive more than half of the technical assistance provided by the Fund, and financial support is extended at low interest rates and over relatively long time horizons." However, critics argue that these two institutions through their various policies cause poverty in many developing nations. These organizations have also been criticized as they promote poor countries' dependency on richer nations. This section will briefly examine the policies of these agencies which are seen to heighten, instead of alleviate, poverty. The IMF and World Bank's primary program in reducing poverty is the extension of financial assistance to impoverished nations. However, this financial aid is coupled with "neoliberal"2 ideology or agenda which is a prerequisite for the fund. Examples of these conditions are "cutbacks" or "liberalization" of the economy, opening markets for trade, minimization of government intervention, privatization which causes the reduced protection of domestic industries, currency devaluation, mounts in interest rates, "flexibility" of the labor market, elimination

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Time Value of Money Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Time Value of Money - Research Paper Example Calculation regarding future values of present values is extremely important when making important investment decisions (Andrew, 1997). A manager who would be uncertain of what would be the future value of his investment today, he would be uncertain whether to take on the investment or not. Suppose, a manager takes on an investment to invest in a bond that will pay him $ 1000 at maturity at 5% interest. How would he value the investment in terms of today? What is explicitly of importance to the manager is that how much the investor should pay today in order to get that $ 1000 principal at maturity (Brealey, 2005). The investor should use the application of time value of money in order to determine whether the amount that the borrower is asking is appropriate or not. Similarly, an investor might want to know that if he deposits a certain sum of money in the bank, then what would be the future value of the payment that he would receive at the relevant interest rate few years from now ( Andrew, 1997). The basic concept I have learnt from this assignment is how to apply the application of time value of money in different situations. Sometimes, we have been given the future value and all information and we had to find the present value, while sometimes we had been given present value and we had to calculate the future value. In summation, I have learnt the practical application and usefulness of time value of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

ex Education Should be Implemented to Grade-schoolers Position Essay Example for Free

ex Education Should be Implemented to Grade-schoolers Position Essay Ladies and gentleman good morning, today we will be debating about sex education. Sex education taught in the school system has long been debated as right or wrong. There are some who believe it is wholly wrong for the school to get involved in such a sensitive topic. They may believe this because they feel parents should do the talking or it may be down to religious reasons. First let’s define sex education so what is sex education. Sex education is instruction on issues relating to human sexuality, including human sexual anatomy, sexual reproduction, sexual activity, reproductive health, emotional relations, reproductive rights and responsibilities, abstinence, and birth control. Common avenues for sex education are parents or caregivers, formal school programs, and public health campaigns. The word sex, it is one of the few words that catch our attention. Whenever we see the word â€Å"sex† in magazines, newspapers and other print materials, we tend to stop at some point and become interested to read the article where it is written. It’s not because we simply feel the urge to read about sex but perhaps the â€Å"questioning self† wants to clarify and discover the truth about this matter. In liberal democracies, sex is viewed as a normal activity for both adults and teenagers. In the Philippines, it’s very different. Whenever we say the word â€Å"sex†, we are labeled as â€Å"rude†. No wonder why if we heard of â€Å"sex† we directly associate it to â€Å"vulgarity†. We cannot blame ourselves because we are living in a society with a stronghold of moral standards and conservatism. As a representative of the opposition we strongly oppose the implementation of sex education to grade-schoolers. Those grade school pupil who have pure mind and still immature we cannot afford to change the way of thinking of these innocent grade school pupil. It is still early for them to learn about sex education. Teaching sex education to grade-schooler at early age can greatly affect their way of thinking. A person who is 7-11 years old is still immature, they have a imaginative mind and curious to different things specially one that they still haven’t tried, so introducing them about sex education is very risky. Theres no guarantee that the person teaching it has a healthy attitude about sex, or that the teacher really knows anymore about sex that the students do. Sex education brings the information to the front, possibly giving kids ideas of things that they had never thought of before. Instead of just letting things goes by and take their natural course, kids begin thinking about it. They begin to wonder what its like and may make poor choices that they never would have if they hadnt heard about it in the first place. There is also a possibility that they do what couples because of curiosity and immaturity. For teens and young adult are in the transitional stage or the experimental years wherein they are curious about many things and they are very impulsive to try something new, they always seek their selves from other, teaching them how to use contraceptives is a big no, once they learn about birth control and safe sex. The chances for having unplanned teen pregnancies are possible for they are not yet matured to handle such stuff. There’s a tendency that they might have multiple partners. Students may still also suffer from embarrassment or get excitable by the topic matter. Student curiosity will be set high and their urge to try it will be greater. This will cause them to engage in early sex, sex Education program is not the answer to any sex related problems of young teens and minors that have been undergoing at the moment. the schools responsibility is to teach reading, math, science, social studies, etc. Instead of teaching them sex education program, school should concentrate more in moral values, that sex is responsibility, that once done, you must ready to face the consequences and any challenges in life. That sex is sacred it’s not just for fun and pleasure but, it should only be done by couples for procreation. There is a right time for everything, so just like the sex education there is right time to learn about it. Sex education can be compared to a knife – it is useful to those who understand how to use it, but dangerous for those who do not. As parents, would you leave it to someone else to explain something potentially damaging to your children? If they will pursue with it, isn’t it awkward hearing kids say â€Å"Hey mama, can you review me with this condom, pills etc.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Morrisons Sexual Depictions Essay -- Morrison Sexual Depictions Essay

Morrison's Sexual Depictions Toni Morrison incorporated vulgar sexual depictions into her novel with distinct literary intentions. Although many challengers of the novel contest that these scenes contain no value, Morrison composed these depictions with specific intent and purpose. It was not for shock value or merely to be obscene, but to illustrate to her audience the damaging effect society can have on its most vulnerable members. She spoke through the silence to lobby the destruction of an innocent black girl and became the voice for suffering individuals who did not have the ability to speak. She successfully reveals that societal abuse of the African American race as a whole has grave effects on the development of specific individuals. Describing Pecola’s sexual experiences so graphically, and with such brash severity, was meant to impact the reader into inciting societal reform. Her social commentary was not intended to drive simply sympathy for the oppressed children she described, but change. In her novel, The Bluest Eye, Toni Morrison demonstrated the repercussions of rejecting a population of people through explicit descriptions of sexual abuse. The cycle of oppression that is illustrated throughout the novel is a prominent cause and result of sexual abuse. Various characters were born in purity and innocence but were degraded by societal treatment. This concept outlines Cholly’s experience in particular. As a child, he was unable to combat or resist oppression. The only reaction he could marshal to injustice was silence, depression and self contained rage. Because he developed under such damaging conditions, he was ultimately unable to love, express compassion or have virtue. Instead, he was only capab... ...female children was an outcome of societal abuse on African American males. By incorporating such sexually graphic depictions, Morrison leaves a lasting impression with her reader and more effectively conveys her message in order to incite reform. Works Cited Lazarescu, Lisa. â€Å"Themes of The Bluest Eye.† April 3, 2005. Eastern Oregon University. http://web.cocc.edu/lisal/thebluesteye/themes.htm. 2003. Mayo, James. "Morrison's The Bluest Eye." Explicator 60.4 (2002): 231-235. Academic Search Elite. EBSCOhost. Central Oregon Community College Lib., Bend, OR. 12 May 2003 Morrison, Toni. The Bluest Eye. New York, NY: Plume-Penguin Group, 1994. Napieralski, Edmund A. "Morrison's The Bluest Eye." Explicator 53.1 (1994): 59-63. Academic Search Elite. EBSCOhost. Central Oregon Community College Lib., Bend, OR. 12 May 2003

Monday, November 11, 2019

Health care market

Health care is a complex of different kinds of services, supplies and cares which can be related to health of a person. It also includes therapeutic, diagnostic, preventive, maintenance (palliative care), as well as counseling. It also includes dispensing of prescribed medicines and their sale. (Glossary of Common Terms p.1)Classical concept of market, which supposes presence of the customer and the seller, who possess definite values and are ready to enter into mutually beneficial exchange, allows to examine sphere of health care as health care market of medical services (The health care marketplace p.1), which can be divided into three sub-markets, which are mutually connected.â€Å"Throughout the health sector – from service delivery, consulting, financing and pharmaceuticals to biotech and genetics – the business of health care has become increasingly complex† (Health sector management p.1) [Table 1]1. The governmental health care market.Governmental sector i s not very big. Medical service here is examined as social good, from using of which have advantages all citizens. Economical relations between government and medical institutions are characterized as relations in favor of the third party: medical institution is a manufacturer of medical services, and the government is the buyer, whereas population of country uses those services (in case the citizens are insured, they can use medical service).In relation to this fact, the government cannot completely estimate quality and quantity of services, which are needed by the buyer.Population, as real consumer, cannot influence the level of payment for services and medical establishments, because demand for services from his side is not solvent.The government also â€Å"pays for about half the health care purchased in this country, through the national health insurance for the poor and elderly known as Medicaid and Medicare.† (Sheldon Richman, p.1)2. Insurance marketSellers of medical services in the insurance market are medical institutions, and the buyers are citizens which have formal insurance. But receiving services doesn’t accompanied by exchange of values between medical institutions and citizens who have insurance, – receiving of medical help is guaranteed in correspondence with contract of insurance, concluded between insurer and consumer.Taking into account these circumstances, receiver of medical service is a person, who has insurance, but he isn’t a payer for the seller- for medical institution, and he doesn’t have market value, because he doesn’t pay for service himself. The direct payer – the insurer – is not a participant of market relations, because he doesn’t participate in processes of exchange at the health care market.Besides division of commodity and money flows, health insurance market actually has no competitors in prices, because actually the process of payment and conditions of servi ces provided is executed within the limits of territorial program by firmly established rates.Another point that there is no competitors is that the patient from the first time of entering medical establishment chooses this medical institution and is limited in receiving medical services within the limits of that definite program of that definite medical institution, because he has a list of medical establishments, which provide service accordingly to his insurance.We cannot not to notice one important advantage: health care insurance market differs from that of health market, which demands payment for medical services, because the person, who has insurance of such definite medical establishment doesn’t need any additional money to pay for medical service, in case the disease or accident is indicated in his insurance.Another point is that in the future, in case the patient is fully satisfied with service provided, he can become a constant patient, which uses additional servic es of that definite medical institution, which are not included in his insurance.In such a way health care insurance market makes a good job for medical institutions, because in accordance with statistics, expenses for attracting of new consumer are five times more of those, which you spent for preserving the consumer you already have and who is already using your medical service.Among the largest health insurance programs in USA is Medicare program   (Medicare Program, p.1)3. The health care market of payable services.The patients here are the consumers and they are ready and are able to pay for medical first-rate service, and doctors or medical institutions are the sellers, and their interests are connected with reimbursement of expenses and getting profit. Because of constant increase of competition at this market, they create conditions for constant improving of service quality, search of new products and technologies as well as strict single-out of ineffective strategies and participants of the market.Level of proposition depends on ability of medical institution to react flexibly on the constantly increasing demand: in order to increase or to decrease quantity of necessary services. Unfortunately, such flexibility is not always possible, because nowadays this niche of health care market occupy medical institutions, which have different forms of property, different subordination and channels of financing, so even in market conditions volume of proposed services not always depends on their actual manufacturer.But exactly on manufacturer depends choice of that combination of directed parameters, which are called complex of marketing (service or complex of services, price, providing a service to the consumer, way of proposition and promotion of service, personnel of medical establishment, etc), manipulating with which organization tries to satisfy demands of patients in the best way and to turn income into real increase of service quality.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Benefits and Effectiveness of Accounting Essay

The research was based on two variables these are computerized accounting systems which comprise of definitions, components of computerized accounting software and benefits and limitation of computerized system and financial reporting which also comprises of definitions of financial reports, benefits and effectiveness of accounting system used at National Water and Sewerage Corporation. The study will enable management to understand the significance of preparing quality and reliable financial reports. The study will point out weakness in the accounting system which management needs to address. The Government of Malaysia through the Department of Accountant General (MDAG) has instructed MARA to implement the Standard Accounting System for Government Agencies (SAGA). This is a total Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System, developed based on web-based application and is using an accrual basis of accounting. The SAGA financial system enables its users, particularly the government agencies to close their accounts on a daily basis, monitor their daily financial activities as well as produce standardized financial reports to the stakeholders at any place and any time. However, upon completion of the SAGA financial system analysis, MARA identifies that the system could not cater all MARA business activities. Processes such as disbursement of scholarship and loans to students and entrepreneurs are not covered by the system. As such, MARA still has to maintain its existing databases and therefore made special request to the MDAG to exclude the implementation of SAGA while awaiting MARA ICT consultant’s recommendations on the development of a new MARA Total Information and Financial System. As a conclusion, the SAGA financial systems could not be used by MARA on its own. The end-users in MARA need to operate both, SAGA and its own systems at the same time. This situation could lead to users’ confusion if they are to use different type of system when updating certain type of financial transaction. This is because the end-user of MARA Computerized Accounting System could only utilized the SAGA Financial System just for ordinary operating expenditures whilst any disbursement of expenditure pertaining to subsidiary system, they still need to use the existing MARA Financial Systems. Consequently, internal controls and security functions may not be easily built in the systems. Concurrent use of both systems may affect job satisfaction and performance of the end-users. Introducing Computerized Accounting Information Systems in a Developing Nation: Egyptian International Motors This study aims to assess the implementation of accounting information system on a company in a developing nation. To answer this question this manuscript attempts to do the following: (1) identify the reasons for the shift to an automated system and the main goals that the company aim to achieve form this shift, (2) determine the company’s strategic decisions like choices between outsourcing versus in-house development, and ready made packages versus tailor made software, (3) describe the steps of implementation, (4) understand the reaction of the employees to the new automated system, (5) study the required changes on the organizational chart and human resources qualifications that are required, (6) recognize the problems that the company met during the process, (6) point the advantages of the shift to the automated system. A computerized accounting System provides many advantages over manual systems, for example entries do not have to be recorded in multiple ledgers so as to fulfill the cardinal rules of financial reporting.A single entry is made and the system will populate all the appropriate corresponding accounts automatically. Computerized accounting also makes it possible for people in other departments,not just accounting to enter data.It does not require avast amount of accounting knowledge for a payroll clerk to enter wages details into the accounts,a basic understanding of how to use the system is sufficient The study intends to find out the effect of a computerized accounting system on the quality of financial reports generated by an organization. To examine the effect of computerize accounting systems quality financial reporting. To determine the challenges encountere by organizations before and after implementing a computerized accounting system. To identify strategies/measures of ensuring quality financial reporting. An accounting system is part of the organisation’s management information system therefore a good or decent accounting system must be able to produce reports like trial balance, aged debtors and aged creditors. Accounting systems must provide data that should enable the production of management accounts, statutory accounts and must also assist the managers and accountants in discharging their stewardship roles. Production Of Accounts A good system should enable the firm to produce its management reports and management accounts at short notice. This will enable the organisation to monitor performance, to take decisions quickly and to make decision based on objective and verifiable information. Audit Trail Audit trail is very important as it will enable auditors and senior managers to monitor transactions entered in the accounting system and this will ensure that there is information integrity. A good system should document the changes that have been made in the system, who made the changes and it should also be able to track what was changed. Compatibility With Other Programmes A strong characteristic of a good accounting system is that it must be compatible with other systems. For example, it should easily be configurable so that it can communicate with other programmes like Excel or Crystal. An accounting system should be able to export transactions and reports into Excel and it should allow data and transactions to be imported from an external source. This will lead to time savings as there will be no need to duplicate a role or process. Error Detection If an accounting system does not dictate errors then it is not a good accounting package as it is failing to perform a basic functionality. An accounting package should decline to post transactions that do not balance for example the total debits should equal the total credits and if this is not the case, then the accounting system should automatically flag this error. Internal Controls Internal controls are the eyes and ears of the organisation and a good accounting system should embed these internal controls into the system. Internal controls enable prevention and detection of fraud and error. An accounting system should enable internal control tools like segregation of duties, reconciliations and account allocations. A good accounting system should not allow users to delete data that has been posted into the system. Manual Vs Computerized Accounting Computerized accounting systems provide more benefits than manual ones, allowing for more accurate calculations, in less time. Compared to manual accounting, with a computerized system errors are far less common, eliminating human error. And with accounting programs that are industry-specific, you can benefit from various preset templates for your general ledger, saving more time. You can store virtually endless information, without any trouble at all. And if you later want to review financial information from several years ago, with a computerized accounting system you can do it easily, while with a manual one you would have to sort through stacks of paper ledgers. Bottom line, both systems may be useful to some extent. But for more accurate bookkeeping and increased efficiency, a computerized accounting system seems to have more advantages. You can find several free versions online, as well as more proficient accounting software available for purchase. Search online for such accounting systems, read about their features and decide which one would be better for your particular business needs. Although they will not allow you to physically handle the ledgers, it will provide a better accounting solution. The advantages of Computerized Accounting seem to be unknown by business owners and individuals who are in doubt of purchasing Accounting Software. Accounting Software has been a trend nowadays. With the vast Computerized System Providers and wide range of versions to choose from, Accounting System has evolved to be one of the trends in information technology. Computerized Systems are designed to create more value in Financial Accounting. Value can be relayed in terms of speed, accuracy and reliability of accounting data. With Computerized System, invoices can be transmitted in an instant through email; inventories are appropriately monitored; and disbursements are tracked for payments to be done before due dates. It helps Bookkeepers to reduce manual activities. When transactions are entered in the Accounting System, automatic entries are posted to generate data needed for financial reporting. Accounting Software enables Bookkeepers and Accountants to adjust necessary accounts to reflect the correct amount of each Account. Computerized Accounting allows Accountants to trace erroneous data and entry in a creative and organized manner through the help of summaries, list of accounts and original entries. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Tsang Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7017983 Computers are extensively used in accounting and there are multitude of computer software for Accounting, MIS, CRM. HiTech Financial Accounting is one such software which has been customized for users in many segments in business and services. Payroll accounting was the first commercial area to become widely computerized. The calculation of wages or salaries involves a number of variables which relate to the personal details of each employee, such as gross pay or rate for the job, individual deductions, tax liabilities of the employees and so on. These facts can be retained in the computers and processed every month of produce pay slips for the employees. The computer helps to exercise the type of stock control needed by the organization. It up to dates the sales and purchases records, determines optimum re-order levels for different items and prints out the stock lists when desired. The system can be so designed that it triggers orders when stock level reaches order point for variou s material items; tests those item which are slow moving or gives list for over stock items. Programming can be done for any sales accounting system. The computer will pin point defaulting debtors, determine the right limit for credit for each debtor and maintain stores ledger. Costing and budgetary control can be affected through the computer, the computer will point out the variations from the planned performance.The computer also helps greatly in production planning and control. It is possible that scheduling of the work may become necessary due to break downs etc. A new critical path may have to be worked out. A critical path is the shortest path to be followed in production to achieve production objectives. The computer helps the management lay down this new critical path. The increasing competition and the highly demands of globalization, Malaysia government attempt for Small Medium Enterprise, SME for the development of innovative, competitive with high technology. Computerized accounting system (CAS) adoption may be decisive factor for an organization to be success and also to survive. This research project which aimed to investigate SME practice of CAS and to identify the factor affecting the adoption among SMEs in Melaka. A survey was carried out through a set of questionnaires to examine the CEO Innovativeness Factors Scale, Perceive Usefulness Factors Scale, Perceive Ease of Use Factors Scale and Business Competitiveness. The sample selected comprised of CEOs of SMEs in three districts in Melaka, namely Melaka Tengah, Alor Gajah and Jasin. The data gathered were coded and analyzed using descriptive statistics, linear regression analysis, Pearson Correlation analysis and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).This study reveals that CAS adoption rate in SMEs in Melaka is high. Results from the analysis also shown the significant of independent variables and proved the relationships have been substantiated to the dependent variable which contribute to the usage of CAS adoption between SMEs in Melaka. The findings indicate that CEO innovativeness; perceive ease of use and business competitiveness negatively correlated to the adoption of CAS. Results reveals that only perceive usefulness are significantly positive correlated to CAS adoption. Therefore it can be deduced that adoption of CAS among SMEs in Melaka is caused by its usefulness. The findings reveal that types of business and business location influence the adoption of CAS. However, size (paid up capital, sales turnover and number of employee) do not influence the adopter. Results also indicate that CEO literacy on ICT, accounting and CAS has influence the responded CEO to adopt CAS in their business. However, the advantages by using the accounting systems software were not fully utilized by CAS adopters. http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ijbm/article/view/18273

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Sexual Abuse in Indian Reservations

How to Write a Critical Essay on Domestic Violence/Sexual Abuse in Indian Reservations If you are tasked with writing a critical essay on domestic violence/sexual abuse in Indian reservations, you should follow these steps: 1) Starting Your Research and Taking Notes When you start taking notes for research purposes, create a system for yourself. Start out by having two colors for note cards or for pens and set one color aside for major ideas and another color for supporting data. Through the course of your reading, you can write down your main claims on one color, and then place the supporting facts you find on separate cards of the opposite color. Then you can play around with the physical layout of the cards to see how many pieces of supporting data you have for each main claim, or in what order you want the claims to be. Be sure to write down bibliographic information for anything you quote or paraphrase from your reading. For example: if you have a card where you wrote down the results from a study, write the name of the study and the page number from when it came at the top of the card. 2) Organization After you have completed your note taking, it is time to play around with the organization and presentation for your information. Move the cards around to find out the order in which you want to present your information. 3) Outline Write an outline wherein you ask yourself: What your topic is? Why is your topic significant? What material have you found that is relevant to the background of your topic? What is your thesis? What organization supports the thesis best? 4) Writing With that done, you can start writing. Save the introduction for last. Start with the body. Write your essay around the main points you want to present, as written in your outline. The sources should not function as the foundation for your paper’s organization. That is the role for the topic and thesis. Integrate the sources into the academic discussion you want to present. With that done, use the introduction to explain the topic, define any terms the reader might need, and reveal the organization of your essay so that the reader knows what to expect. Then write your conclusion where you summarize the argument for your reader. This is where you avoid introducing new material or simply repeating the introduction. Instead remind the reader what claims you’ve made and what evidence you presented in support of those claims. 5) Revisions Once you have your first draft it is time to make revisions. Check over the organization for your paper to ensure that the discussion is coherent and there is logical flow. Ensure that your paragraphs start with topical sentences and offer evidence supporting your claims. Make sure these claims refer back to your thesis as well. Check for transitions between paragraphs. Look over the sentence structure for proper punctuation, word choice, and spelling. And of course, make sure everything is properly cited in the text and in your bibliography. This guide should help you write  an essay on domestic violence/sexual abuse in Indian Reservations. You may also check our list of 20 specific topics on this matter backed by 1 sample essay and 10 facts that you may use to support your claims.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

7 unprofessional email habits you need to avoid

7 unprofessional email habits you need to avoid No matter what level you are within your career, chances are you feel overwhelmed every time you sit down at your computer and check your inbox. Email is not just something to check in with once in a while and ignore- triaging and responding to emails is a huge part of the workday. In fact, a survey done by  Adobe found that almost half of the 1,000 people surveyed expect people to get back to them within the hour! You have to read and respond quickly, which leaves room for careless errors to creep in. Much of the impression you make with colleagues will be digital, so you need to remain sharp and focused- even if you’re working on your 30th email of the day. Read on for some very common errors that tend to occur when you let your guard down.Replying all for everythingBefore you hit replay all, pause. Always pause. Ask yourself, â€Å"Does everyone on this thread really need to see my reply?† Spend an extra minute culling down the list of recipients, or just respond o nly to the sender. You’ll be responsible for keeping everybody’s inboxes clutter-free for at least a day if you do this. There’s always the option of forwarding something along if later down the line you realize he or she needs to see it.Careless CC-ingThis is in the same vein as the â€Å"reply all,† except the stakes are higher and you could actually land yourself, your boss, or your client in hot water by adding a name to an email chain without asking first. Don’t share info that isn’t yours to share- never assume it’s okay to forward or share an email with a new recipient (especially one outside of the company) until you’re sure all parties are on board. Take the time to confirm if you ever have  any doubt.Forgetting the attachmentThis is one error that isn’t the biggest deal the first time it happens. But if it becomes a habit, you’ll start to look silly. You might think it’s okay, even cute, to send the follow up â€Å"Ooops!! Attachment attached!† email to your entire department when you’ve forgotten to attach a necessary document to the first email. But it isn’t- it just makes you seem careless.The theme that keeps coming up applied here, too: take your time. Do the last-minute check to make sure all recipients are correct, necessary, and that you’ve attached your attachments before you send.Unnecessarily crying â€Å"Urgent!†Do you get too many red-flagged emails, only to realize when you open them that they really aren’t that big of a deal? Don’t abuse the â€Å"urgent† function- if and when you do need to send an email with a true crisis, no one is going to believe you.Rambling on and onThink about the last time you opened up an email to see a wall of text. Be honest: did you really read the whole thing, every word? Probably not. There is no reason for your two-page email. Be as clear and concise as possible and save your coworkers (and yourself!) a whole lot of valuable time. People are more likely to read and digest your email if it’s short, sweet, and to the point. Bullet points are your friend!Misspelling someone’s nameThere’s a very good chance that your recipient’s name is literally in his or her email address. Do the extra two-second check to make sure you’ve spelled it right. If you’re mentioning other people within your email, take the time to double-check their names as well. Don’t assume that because someone has a common name that it takes the common spelling: Michelle or Michele? Gennifer or Jennifer? Geoffrey or Jeffrey? It matters.Writing bad subjects (or no subjects)Your recipients should be able to tell what your email is about simply by glancing at the subject line in their inbox. Don’t be vague. For example, â€Å"Follow-up† is a very vague email subject, but â€Å"Follow-up Notes from 9/15 Board Meeting† is direct and clear. Weeks, months, or years down the line, will your recipient be able to tell what’s in your email? Write your subject lines with that goal in mind. And please, please always include a subject- leaving the line blank is just lazy.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Places Where I Do Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Places Where I Do Research - Essay Example The public library that I have been for research is at (supply the name of the public library near you). It also has an extensive collection of books but I am quite uncomfortable with the place because I am not familiar with it not to mention that everybody is a stranger. Since the school library is located in the campus of the university where I attend, all of the people there are also students like me. I know many of them who frequents there either as friend, classmates or acquiantances. The others are familiar to me by face because we have already met in the campus although we do not know each other personally. The distribution of the people who goes to my school library can be said to be homogenous and heterogenous. Homogenous because all of them are students of the same school I attend. It can also be heterogeneous because as a people, there are quite a variety of them. There are men, women, caucasian, hispanics, asians, blacks who goes there. The kind of information they resear ch also varies depending on the course they are taking. Just like me, they also have choices to research on other places such as public library or even the internet. With regard to the public library, my observation is that almost all people there are strangers and that includes me. There were only very few ocassion where I observed that people know each other there. Perhaps due to the nature of library being public, that anybody can go there so its readership base is not only confined to a small group of people that knows each other. For me, I cannot establish any homogeneity among those who frequents in a public library. Everybody is just different because the people who goes there comes from different walks of life unlike in the school library where the people who goes there are only my fellow students and professors. The interactions of people who goes to in these two places are very different even if they are the same library. In the school library, you can observe that the stu dents who goes there are very comfortable with the place as what I can observe in their body language. Body language is an accurate determinant of a person’s connection with a place as Eckartsberg explained in his study that â€Å"by means of his body and through the specialized perceiving sensibilities of his body, a person is continuously connected with aspects of his world† (256). The way they sit, browse through the aisles, walk, place there books on the table etch speaks of their familiarity of the place. There is also a sense of community in the school library, where we recognize each other by subtle body language (like smile and a hello) those who comes in our path. It can also be categorized as cordial especially if friends meet there (although it is not really a place for socialization). Even the staffs are known to us that asking them about a particular book or journal is very easy. Also, if most of the seats are occupied that there can be no seat apart from each student, I can always sit beside a fellow student where I am typically welcomed by a smile. I have not done this in a public library and made sure that there are several seats apart between me and the closest researcher because I do not know how the other people will react if I will sit close to him or her. I have this feeling that if I will sit beside a fell