Monday, September 30, 2019

Ethical Dilemma Worksheet Essay

Include any important | |potential economic, social, or political pressures, and exclude inconsequential facts. | | | |The most important fact about this case is that officers never saw the male suspect driving while intoxicated. The fact that two | |different police reports were made one stating the officer saw the male driving and the other stating officer did not see the male | |driving. | |Identify each claimant (key actor) who has an interest in the outcome of this ethical issue. From the perspective of the moral | |agent—the individual contemplating an ethical course of action—what obligation is owed to the claimant? Why? | |Claimant |Obligation (owed to the|Perspective (What does the claimant hope will happen? ) | |(key actor) |claimant) | | |Officer Rook |Designated officer to |Officer Rook wrote the original police report and followed policy and turned it in to | | |write original report |the D. A. ffice to let the process begin for the individual male arrested for driving | | | |while intoxicated. | | D. D. A. Acute |To ensure that laws are| | | |upheld and the process |D. D. A. notices the differences between both police reports and make notes of them. | | |serves all parties |The D. D. A. has the responsibility to uphold all laws and rights of individuals and | | |involved. |wants to ensure that the criminal justice system is just and fair. |Officer Nixon |Turning in second |Officer Nixon turned in the second the police report that made n ote that the officers | | |police report |saw the individual male driving. This officer wants a conviction of the individual | | | |male for driving while intoxicated. | |Wife |Wants to take husband |Wife wants to take husband home after being processed. Wife reported that her husband| | |home |had bad experiences while in Somalia and it would best for him to go home. | | | | | | | | Evaluating Alternatives |What are two alternatives for the scenario? One alternative can be a wild card that you ordinarily may not consider an option | |because of potential implications. Both should be within free will and control of the same moral agent. |Alternative A |Alternative B | |Use report without seeing intoxicated male driving |Use report with seeing intoxicated male driving | |Respond to the following questions based on your developed alternatives. | | |Alternative A |Alternative B | |What are the best- and worst-case | | |scenarios if you choose this |Best-Original report is used charges are |Best-male is convicted of driving while | |alternative? |dropped. |intoxicated | | | | | | |Worst- the male individual is drug through |Worse-Male is convicted of driving while | | |the criminal justice system and tax payer |intoxicated. The original police report is | | |money is wasted. |never shared | |Will anyone be harmed if this |No harm will come. |Yes harm may come when convicted and sentence to| |alternative is chosen? If so, how | |serve time incarcerated. | |will they be harmed? Consider | | | |families and derivative effects. | | |Would honoring an idea or value—such | | | |as personal, professional, or |No |Yes | |religious—make the alternative | | | |invalid? | | | | | | |Are there any rules, laws, or | | | |principles that support the |Yes the law of needing to see the driver of |no | |alternative? Are there rules, laws, |driving while intoxicated. | | |or principles that make the | | | |alternative invalid? State the rule | | |or principle and indicate if it | | | |invalidates or supports the | | | |alternative. | | | Applying Ethical Guidelines |Consider each ethical guideline and explain whether it would support or reject your alternative. |Guidelines based on the action itself |Alternative A |Alternative B | |Should this alternative become a rule or policy that everyone in this|There is law in place to avoid|No, this is wrong and | |situation should follow in similar situations in the future? (Kant) |making arrests like this. |unethical | |Does this alternative result in using any person as a means to an end|No |Yes the Officer Nixon wrote a | |without consideration for his or her basic integrity? Kant) | |bad report and is using the | | | |court system to enforce his | | | |false report | |Is the intent of this action free from vested interest or ulterior |Yes |No, convict ion is wanted | |motive? Kant’s good will) | | | | Does this alternative demonstrate a genuine concern for others |No |No | |affected by the decision, and is the moral agency responding to a | | | |perceived need? | | | |Guidelines based on consequences |Alternative A |Alternative B | |Is the good hat results from this alternative outweighed by the |Yes, the good being that the |No, falsifying reports is | |potential harm that might be done to others? (Mill’s harm principle) |charges are dropped. |unethical and can have | | | |rippling effects on all | | | |officers. |Is any harm brought about by anyone other than the moral agent? |No |Yes, the husband and the | |(causal harm) | |rookie officer who wrote the | | | |first report. | |Will anyone be harmed who can be said to be defenseless? No |No | |(paternalism) | | | |To what degree is this alternative based on the moral agent’s own |This is the truthful report |This should never be used, | |best interest? (ethical egoism) |and should be used regardless |based on it bei ng falsified. | |of the outcomes. | | |Which alternative will generate the greatest benefit—or the least |Because this alternative is | | |amount of harm—for the greatest number of people? Select only one |the truth it will only have | | |alternative. (utilitarianism) |the best possible outcome. | Ethical Decision Making |Choose to proceed with either Alternative A or Alternative B and explain the reasons for your decision. | | | |I would go with alternative A, because it is the truth and the original report turned in. I would allow the court system work | |their process and except the outcome reached. I would then address the facts of a falsified police report and the officer who tried| |to used it. |

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Influence of Health Care Delivery

Influence of health care delivery Influence of health care delivery services in the future Shellie Bosley University of Phoenix Abstract Your abstract should be one paragraph and should not exceed 120 words. It is a summary of the most important elements of your paper. All numbers in the abstract, except those beginning a sentence, should be typed as digits rather than words. To count the number of words in this paragraph, select the paragraph, and on the Tools menu click Word Count. Influence of health care delivery services in the futureThe impacts of healthcare delivery systems biggest issues are the aging and obesity. We need to understand how these can impact our lives and what we can do to address them now before they become a bigger issue in the future. Many of the Americans from the baby boomer era are becoming retired and will add to the future endeavors of the working class with many of our government programs being affected. The second contributor is obesity. Since this ca n go in hand with the aging these are the main reasons we need to look at our delivery systems. AgingWith our population of baby boomers which are born between 1946 and 1964 they will start to turn 65. This means that our numbers of aging people is likely to double from what it is now. This also has an increase due to immigrants arriving from 2005 to 2050. In the United States our aging is graying at a much slower pace. By 2050 we are expected to have one fifth of our population retired. The increased number will have a huge impact on the United States structure of many programs. The rapid change can have major social and economic issues when we do not plan for them ahead of time. The postwar baby boom in the United States has strained local hospital, public school, and postsecondary education systems, as well as the labor force as these unexpected large cohorts have moved through the life cycle. U. S. population aging has been long predicted. †(Kevin Kinsella and Wan He, â₠¬Å"An Aging World: 2008,† U. S. Census Bureau, International Population Reports P95/09-1 (Washington, DC: U. S. Government Printing Office, 2009). But this is not the only numbers that are important for policies and programs. This also affects healthcare, disability, living arrangements, kinship networks and the economy.It is about the cost and implications the Aging population will have on America. Environment Environmental factors are air pollution, food and water containments, radiation and toxic chemicals as well as health determinants. You also have factor such as socioeconomic status which means the more money and better you can live the less likely you are to be a burden on society. Behavior and lifestyle can also influence along with heredity. But the most important is health care because this is your determinate to living a long healthy life. DemographicsDemographics of the aging population more than 3. 5 million boomers turn 55. By this year the 50 and older populati on will reach 100 million. It is an increase of 31 percent this decade. They are expected to live 19 years longer and women outnumber men by almost 6 million. Half a million are grandparents with the responsibility of raising their grandchildren. The major income is social security, income from assets, private pensions, government pensions, private pensions and earnings. Most of the elderly live in metropolitan areas and they tend to move less.Most elderly are home owners and their homes do have physical problems. And most have a free and clear home where they do not owe anything on them. When it comes to work and education 6. 2 million Americans age 65 are in the work force. Between 1970 and 2008, the percentage of older persons who had completed high school rose from 28% to 77. 4%. About 20. 5% in 2008 had a bachelor's degree or higher. (http://assistedliving. about. com/od/startingabusiness/a/agingtrends. htm) Reducing The aging trend is likely to increase due to their needs bein g different than younger people.Older adults have different health care needs than younger age groups, and this will affect the demands placed on the health care system in the future. They are more likely to suffer chronic illness such as cancer and heart disease. About 84% of those age 65 and older suffer from at least one chronic condition, compared to 38% of those ages 20 to 44 [Wu and Green, 2000]. They are more to require the service of healthcare due to injuries and illness. They have more limitations than younger people and they use more prescription medications.They usually consume more ambulatory care, hospital service, nursing homes and home health services than younger people. When dealing with the aging we can implement many options to help them live a full and healthy lifestyle. We need to help them improve their health by getting regular exercise and not smoking, reduce the chronic disease. We also need increase the use of preventive services and help them understand t hat addressing the issue now will help them live a longer life. If they have a coginitive impairment, mental health issue get them address early. And provide them with education and planning for serious events. ObesityThe CDC reports that obesity rates among adults in the United States doubled between 1980 and 2012. Today, over 30% of our country’s population is obese with many not feeling this is a real issue. The increased healthcare cost created by this trend shows otherwise. When you think of health many studies show being obese increases your risk for serious health. Many serious health factors are heart disease, diabetes and many cancers. This makes the risk in healthcare cost and a decline in productivity in the economy. The current obesity rates in America are more than one third. There are no real differences between men or women.Adults aged 60 and over are more obese than younger adults. With men it is no real difference in rates but with women the rate is 42 percen t to 31 percent in women under 60. When you place children in the equation it is higher for adolescents than preschool aged children. The obesity rate is higher among boys than girls at an 18 percent to 15 percent rate. (http://www. cdc. gov/obesity/data/adult. html) Environmental factors The environmental factors that contribute to obesity are lack of healthy choices in diet and lack of exercise either from choice or lack of resources such as the store is too far to walk so they drive.With fewer options for physical activity and healthy eating it becomes difficult to make good choices. Other environmental factors are energy balance with means spending too much time watching television, playing video games and these types of things than energy building activities such as bike riding or walking. Another factor is the food industry with reasonable food portions, change in what is in them and cheaper health options for the consumer that cannot afford. Demographics Overweight in adults and children has tripled and it is estimated that one in five people in the United States is overweight.We are seeing many younger people becoming obese with the higher rates in the Hispanic, African Americans, Mexican Americans and Native Americans. The lower the families income the higher the risk for obesity rate due to lack of resources to pay for them. The higher the income the more readily the healthy food options are. Trend During the past 20 years, there has been a dramatic increase in obesity in the United States and rates remain high. More than one-third of U. S. adults (35. 7%) and approximately 17% (or 12. 5 million) of children and adolescents aged 2—19 years are obese. (www. cdc. gov) In 2009-2010 the age-adjusted mean BMI was 28. (95% CI, 28. 3-29. 1) for men and also 28. 7 (95% CI, 28. 4-29. 0) for women. Median BMI was 27. 8 (interquartile range [IQR], 24. 7-31. 7) for men and 27. 3 (IQR, 23. 3-32. 7) for women. The age-adjusted prevalence of obesity was 35. 5% (95% CI, 31. 9%-39. 2%) among adult men and 35. 8% (95% CI, 34. 0%-37. 7%) among adult women. Over the 12-year period from 1999 through 2010, obesity showed no significant increase among women overall (age- and race-adjusted annual change in odds ratio [AOR], 1. 01; 95% CI, 1. 00-1. 03; P = . 07), but increases were statistically significant for non-Hispanic black women (P = . 4) and Mexican American women (P = . 046). For men, there was a significant linear trend (AOR, 1. 04; 95% CI, 1. 02-1. 06; P ; . 001) over the 12-year period. For both men and women, the most recent 2 years (2009-2010) did not differ significantly (P = . 08 for men and P = . 24 for women) from the previous 6 years (2003-2008). Trends in BMI were similar to obesity trends. (NHANES) With the increase in BMI it can lead to many diseases which are heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and Metabolic Syndrome. Reducing the risks To reduce the risks of obesity you first need to be educated on the risks and how you became a risk factor.Then you need to change your eating habits to a healthy diet. You will need to increase your regular exercise and decrease inactivity. Go to the doctors and figure out a healthy path to get in control. Citations 1. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health (2000). The Practical Guide: Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults (NIH Publication No. 00-4084). Available online: http://www. nhlbi. nih. gov/guidelines/obesity/prctgd_c. pdf. 2. Purnell JQ (2008). Obesity. In DC Dale, DD Federman, eds. , ACP Medicine, section 3, chap. 10.Hamilton, ON: BC Decker. 3. American Gastroenterological Association (2002, reapproved 2008). AGA technical review on obesity. Gastroenterology, 123(3): 882-932. [Erratum in Gastroenterology, 123(5): 1752. ] 4. Klien S, Romijin JA (2008). Obesity. In HM Kroneberg et al. , eds. , Williams Textbook of Endocrinology, 11th ed, pp. 1563-1587. Philadelphia: Saunders. 5. U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (2008). 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans (ODPHP Publication No. U0036). Washington, DC: U. S. Government Printing Office. Available online: http://www. health. gov/paguidelines/pdf/paguide. pdf.Gingras Y, Lariviere V, Macaluso B, Robitaille J-P (2008) The Effects of Aging on Researchers' Publication and Citation Patterns. PLoS ONE 3(12): e4048. doi:10. 1371/journal. pone. 0004048 References Anderson, Charles & Johnson (2003). The impressive psychology paper. Chicago: Lucerne Publishing. Smith, M. (2001). Writing a successful paper. The Trey Research Monthly, 53, 149-150. Entries are organized alphabetically by surnames of first authors and are formatted with a hanging indent. Most reference entries have three components: Authors: Authors are listed in the same order as specified in the source, using surnames and initials.Commas separate all authors. When there are seven or more authors, list the first six and then use â€Å"et al. † for remaining authors. If no author is identified, the title of the document begins the reference. Year of Publication: In parenthesis following authors, with a period following the closing parenthesis. If no publication date is identified, use â€Å"n. d. † in parenthesis following the authors. Source Reference: Includes title, journal, volume, pages (for journal article) or title, city of publication, publisher (for book).

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Rockefeller Drug Laws Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Rockefeller Drug Laws - Essay Example The year 1973 was marked by the Watergate scandal, an uneasy cease-fire in Vietnam, and a rising tide of the counter-culture. Fuelling the resentment of public institutions and the mistrust of the government was the proliferation of drug use by a new generation. To many conservatives, it appeared as though the liberal left had won and the seeds of permissiveness were never more apparent than they were in the drug culture in New York. Conservatives, such as Nelson Rockefeller, fought back with legislation that was aimed at this cultural group, and targeted drug use as a common denominator to identify his political and social enemies. New York State became the front lines in the War on Drugs with the passing of strict anti-drug laws that would become to be known as the Rockefeller Drug Laws. According to Haberman, "Their essence was to send drug felons to prison for very long stretches, with sentences made mandatory and leniency rendered unacceptable even for first-time offenders". The right wing hawks had lost the war and resigned the White House, but they were not in a mind to lose the War on Drugs. At the heart of the Rockefeller Laws were sentencing guidelines that placed an emphasis on retributive incarceration, and eliminated any possibility of restorative justice. The laws, in many cases, called for mandatory sentencing that could be as long as life in prison with no possibility of parole. As an example, in 1999 a middle-aged mother was sentenced to life in prison for the possession of a small quantity of cocaine, even though she was a first time offender and was working for a larger organization (Papa). This experience has been repeated thousands of times in New York where the penalty for delivering drugs is on the same level as that for second-degree murder. In addition to the lengthy sentences there are the "mandatory sentencing regulations that effectively tie the hands of presiding judges" (Irwin 6). The law has preset the sentence and judges are not able to consider extenuating circumstances such as the possibility of rehabilitation or the social situation of the def endant. The ability of a judge to gauge the sentence is a hallmark of modern justice and is one of the basic functions of the court. However, under the Rockefeller Laws, this function has been usurped by the legislators, and left the judge as little more than a figurehead. The Rockefeller Drug Laws have been criticized since their enactment, but were only recently reformed as protests grew louder. Since the passing of the laws conservatives have opposed the laws because they significantly altered the role of the judge in sentencing, and were unduly harsh. Concerned citizens argued that the mandatory minimum sentence of 15 years for the possession of a small amount of drugs was far out of proportion to the crime, and was comparable to the sentence guidelines for rape, manslaughter, and robbery (Rhett 6). Human rights watch groups pointed to the abuse by police, prosecutors, and courts as a reaction to clean up the streets and satisfy the public's thirst for a get tough on crime policy. However, these were non-violent victimless crimes, and getting the drug user off the streets only provided a marginal amount of safety for the public. Reasonable taxpayers objected to

Friday, September 27, 2019

Business and Management Research methods Assignment

Business and Management Research methods - Assignment Example The purpose of this essay is to review and summarize the article, and to include some definitions and preferably challenging research questions in the field. Likewise, the discourse would comply with the requirement of critically reviewing the paper by evaluating its weaknesses and strengths. Finally, suggested ways and opportunities for improving the paper would be presented after a comprehensive analytical and critical reflection is undertaken, as required. Summary of Relevant Details The authors recognized the increasing number of literatures written on the subject of online shopping and acknowledged three clearly defined purposes, to wit: (1) to identify and review current available research studies on online shopping related to media factors influencing buyer behavior and to pinpoint critical dimensions that emerge from these studies; (2) to evaluate and compare the key dimensions on online shopping behavior vis-a-vis traditional shopping channel behavior; and (3) to suggest fut ure thrusts for research on online shopping using the information gathered. ... The four key dimensions were discussed after the tabular presentation of summarized online literatures. The informativeness dimension was defined as an online category of consumer behavior that focuses on elements of â€Å"information relevancy, information accuracy, information comprehensiveness, and information interactivity† (Shen,, 2006, 6). Each distinct variable was explained using various literatures on the subject. The manner by which information comprehensiveness, for instance, was proffered initially indicate that â€Å"information comprehensiveness is a measure of the amount of information furnished by the channel. Consumers expect a certain level of information, and when the information provided by the Web approaches this level, information comprehensiveness is enhanced† (ibid.). The theoretical framework used to explain customer service dimension presented two distinct studies conducted by Wolfinbarger and Gilly (2003) and Zeithaml, Parasuraman and Ma lhotra (2002) which identified customer service in terms of scales or levels. Wolfinbarger and Gilly (2003) clearly distinguished variables of reliability/fulfillment, as contrasted to security/privacy, as essential factors to ensure the effective delivery of products and services parallel to according satisfaction. The difference in presentation of data from the research study written by Zeithaml, Parasuraman and Malhotra (2002) falls into the manner by which security and privacy were treated as separate concepts of customer service. The delivery of products is another element taken into account under this dimension. The convenience dimension was presented by the authors by citing it as

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Personality Theorist Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Personality Theorist - Research Paper Example (1905-1967) was a very renowned American psychologist. Born in Perth, Kansas, Kelly belonged to a very strict religious family. They were constantly on the move from one area to another. As a result much of the schooling which he had was mostly either home or from a variety of schools. Finally, when he was thirteen he was sent to a boarding school in Wichita. He studied for three years at Friends University and a final year at Park College, graduating with a degree in Physics and Mathematics. However, during these years Kelly’s interest started moving towards debates and discussions, developing into a popular orator. Later he studied at a variety of institutions such as Universities of Kansas, Minnesota, and Edinburgh, before graduating with a Ph. D. in psychology from University of Iowa in 1931. After completing his education Kelly entered the job market during the time of the Great Depression. During this time period he worked at Fort Hays Kansas State College and developed his theory and techniques. Kelly worked hard on his clinic and it was then when he developed most of his future ideas. When the Second World War broke out Kelly accepted a post in Aviation psychology branch of the US Navy and served there throughout the war. After the war he spent some time teaching in the University of Maryland. In 1946 he joined Ohio State University where he made important contributions to his theory. Because of his important theoretical contributions and hard work in the profession of clinical psychology, Kelly was made the president of clinical and consulting divisions of American Psychological Association for 1954-55 and 1956-7. In 1965, he started research in Brandeis University and died soon after in March 1967. The Theory Kelly developed a theory of personality known as the Personal Construct theory. It is this theory which became the foundation of the field Personal Construct Psychology. The main focus of this theory is the way in which individuals constru ct and reconstruct the meanings of their lives. This theory was first founded in 1955 discussed in detail in his book, ‘The Psychology of Personal Constructs.’ Although the implementation of this theory has expanded over the years, it still predominantly focuses on individuals, families and social groups. The prime aspect or the foundation idea of Kelly’s theory is that people are like scientists. â€Å"A person's processes are psychologically channelized by the way in which he anticipates events.†Ã‚  (Kelly, 1955, p.46) . This means that people to create the meaning of things or events themselves. They are constantly doing this so efficiently that according to Kelly they are like scientists constructing meanings. Thus, the individuals are making hypotheses which are called as constructs. What are constructs? Constructs are the ideas or meanings which people attest to the events or things in the society. They differ from person to person. These constructs indicate the meaning which the individual construct of events or happenings of the surroundings. Constructs also indicate the view a person is likely to construe of a certain event. Thus, these define the individual himself and indicates how his brain functions like a scientist. A construct has two extreme points like happy-sad etc. An individual normally places eventsor people between these scales and retains such ideas about them. These constructs are formed in the very early stages of life and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Mobile telephone networks Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mobile telephone networks - Assignment Example 2 Advantages of Communication Networks for Students The cell phone is a conventional way of communication and precisely efficient for student to participate in after school activities. The lectures and classes sometimes consume more time as expected. Students can inform their parents for being late. However parents can also call anytime to their children. 2.1 Safety For security purposes, cell phones play a vital role to ensure student safety. However if the crime rates are extremely low, there is still a slight danger and complete safety is not assured. There may be other causes which may need urgent attention. For example there may be emergency situations, health problems which may need immediate communication. Mobile phone is the only source of communication for students to communicate directly to their guardians and colleagues. 2.2 Long Distance Communication There are some students who come to study from places which are usually far away. Their relatives and families reside on l ocations which are too far. Cell phones again play a vital role and become the only source of immediate communication with the love ones, parents and family members. Parents are worried for their children because they are far away and needs to be kept in touch at all times. Parental communication keeps the parents and guardians updated about their student welfare. Constant communication makes the parents feel more secure and satisfied. 3 Disadvantages of Mobile Networks for Students There are also several disadvantages of using cell phones as a student. The misuse of cell phones during lectures or in classes certainly is not helpful for the student to concentrate on the lecture. If the cell phone is not set to ‘silent mode’, an SMS or a call can disturb the whole class. Even the cell phone on ‘Silent Mode’ can disturb the students due to the vibration voice. In the examinations, students can cheat with the help of cell phones. The radio frequency radiation can cause harm to the health in some ways. If the cell phone turns off, parents and relatives become worried and think negatively. 4 Network Comparison Student packages are always designed to cater the requirements of student by providing low cost tariffs. In the UK there are total 7 mobile network operators. Each company is providing different tariffs for student packages. The student packages are designed to provide cheap services which are most widely used in the country. For example, Mobile Internet connectivity, chatting and texting, these are the most common of the lot. The recommendation for selecting any one service cannot be made. As there are different networks providing different facilities and features. Students can select networks according to their requirements. The comparison of the rates and ‘Pay as you go’ services offered illustrated below (, Compare network deals). 4

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Gross Domestic Product of the United States in 2009 Research Paper

Gross Domestic Product of the United States in 2009 - Research Paper Example The research "Gross Domestic Product of the United States in 2009" examines how this year’s GDP compares with last year’s GDP both in real and nominal terms. Moreover, based on the limitations of national accounting it is discussed whether GDP provides valuable information for measuring economic activity over time. The table in appendix 1 shows the nominal GDP in billion dollar terms, its annual growth rate, GDP deflator with base year 2005=100, real GDP in billion dollar terms and its growth rate from 1950 to 2009.Real GDP is calculated as the ratio of nominal GDP to GDP deflator. The whole data is collected from the Federal Reserve Bank of St: Louis Economics Research Section. The table shows that both real and nominal GDP have been decelerating at annual growth rate of 1.74 percent and 2.6 percent respectively. 9 big expansions and 10 big recessions can be seen for nominal GDP from figure1. 13 big expansions can be seen from the above figure3. 9 recessions can be counted. The growth has been more or less stable in the last 20 years as compared to 1960-1990 since the peaks and troughs are comparatively low in this period. Figure 2 and figure 4 shows the forecasts for nominal GDP and real GDP growth till 2015. They show highly decelerating growth rates of -2 and -4 percentage respectively for real and nominal GDP growth rates. Though the national accounts system and GDP statistics in USA have been considered as the most developed in the world, many economists have raised serious objections regarding treating GDP as an appropriate measure of economic activity over time.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Role of Environment in Learning Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Role of Environment in Learning - Research Paper Example Accommodation is the process by which children learn things through the process of failure. It changes the mental representation of the things through new experiences. On the other hand, assimilation is the process through which children get to absorb new things and experiences into their already present framework. Environment is one factor that cannot be ignored in any way as through the presence of the environment, people gain newer experiences and they also learn things that they were never aware of. Learning styles are different from culture to culture and from country to country. It has been seen that people from some country are very good in numbers or very quick to comprehend things that they are not aware of, while some people have very good oratory skills and are very fluent in languages and can even learn them easily. Learning methods that are used in Asia and Africa are very strict and controlled as children are not allow questioning the teacher or their teacher’s v iews. While in European countries people tend to be freer in knowledge sharing and questioning teachers. This is in serious contrast with the methods that are used in Asian countries. The environments in US and other counter parts are all quite less controlled and thus children are freer in their decision making and questioning. The methods of learning are far more interactive in the European countries and the teacher and student are all quiet confident in interacting with each other. In Asian countries the process of learning is very less interactive and children tend to be more quiet and the teachers are the ones who only talk and share the knowledge. The children hardly interact with their mentors or teachers. The kinds of environment that people belong to also play a very crucial role. If the people belong to an environment where learning is preferred and newer knowledge encouraged then people from such environments are very willing to learn newer things and impart it as well. H owever, in environments where learning is not an encouraged process and where learned people are treated as aliens or as people who should be avoided, then people are less receptive of such knowledge. It’s a common understanding that children who come from developed countries are more willing to learn newer things and adopt them while children coming from less developed countries are shy and not keen in learning new things as they might be in clash with their own traditions and culture. A major factor that affects learning is the facilitation that is present in the environment. If the environment is helpful and promotes learning then people tend to learn quickly. The other factors that are present in the environment are distractions that affect the learning process of the people. The most disastrous distraction that can be there in a child’s life and that can affect the learning process is that of family life. If a child grows in a negative environment then he will be very distracted and will never be able to learn properly. On the contrary, if he grows up in a family that has a positive environment then the child will be able to grasp things easily and will also be able to apply them positively in his life.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

War Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

War - Research Paper Example In this aspect, it can be said that the human race is one of the most successful species of the planet (Tooby & Cosmides 1). Humans have, through time, learned abilities and devised tactics to overpower their competitors. Along with the human evolutionary success came the birth of different cultures and establishment of numerous civilizations throughout the planet. Looking back to history, war is not something that occurs due to the innate ability of different societies to amass weapon stockpiles and train military men for battle, nor does it happen due to the evolutionary history of the human species -â€Å"that war is the result of cultural and social processes, divorced from any individual or biological ‘function’ or expression of individual psychology† (Tooby & Cosmides 1). War is the last straw drawn when two or more factions can no longer reach compromise with regards to morality, wealth and property, religion or even race. It is the last solution when all n egotiations fail and that opposing parties are obliged to concede to the notion that force is required to achieve order and eliminate the existing problem within aspects far beyond the basic need to survive (Tooby & Cosmides 1). It should be noted that although the Darwinian theory of continued existence does hold water, man as a sentient being have also learned to bargain and to deal with the terms of different agreements. History has taught us that although war is inevitable in some cases, humankind will never put it ahead in the negotiating table due to the dire consequences it will bring to both factions (Tooby & Cosmides 1). The developing equality of for women’s rights has become evident through the decades. The women of today can now freely hold positions of power and authority. It is also very noticeable that there has not yet been another war comparable to that of World War II. Wide spread conflict that involves majority of the nations has not occurred for the past s ix decades. This brings into question the idea that women in power have reduced the likelihood of war (Tooby & Cosmides 1; Zur 3). Review of past research done by Ofer Zur revealed that â€Å"there is a great complexity to the phenomena of war and more complexity in the differences between attitudes of men and women towards war† (Zur, 3). His study entitled â€Å"Men, Women and War: Gender Differences in Attitudes towards War†, he exposed the faulty idea of men drawn to war more than women. The research results showed that men and women will support war just as strongly as men however the grounds of which to support a war would be different. Women support war â€Å"when an appeal is made based on empathy for the oppressed and vulnerable human beings† (Zur, 3). Males on the other hand â€Å"justify war according to the rational and legal criteria† (Zur, 3). He also stated that the data indicates that men more than women, acknowledge or negate war and aggre ssion and devastation caused by war and accept stereotypical sex roles during war time. Based on these results, it can be deduced that women in power will not ultimately change the likelihood of war. Instead it will lead to a change in perspective and basis in declaring war during conflicts. The more important question that will

Saturday, September 21, 2019

What Is Dry Needling Essay Example for Free

What Is Dry Needling Essay Recently, Physical Therapists have been seeking to incorporate what is being named Dry Needling into their patient treatment regimens. Dry Needling is indistinguishable from acupuncture, yet is often based on two or three day seminars, featuring only 16 to 24 hours of classroom education with no needle technique clinical internship training being included. Is Dry Needling the same as Acupuncture? â€Å"Yes,† according to all major state and national organizations involved in the certification, professional representation and educational development of the field of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. The Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (CCAOM) states â€Å"It is the position of the CCAOM that any intervention utilizing dry needling is the practice of acupuncture, regardless of the language utilized in describing the technique.† 1 Medicare agrees. â€Å"The only code for Medicare that would cover something like dry -needling would be an acupuncture code,† said Assistant U.S. Attorney Kevin Doyle .† Will Dry Needling practice affect Acupuncture practice? Patients do not discern between types of needling treatments. When a patient receives a therapy involving needling, their perception is that they have received acupuncture. When acupuncture is performed by practitioners without adequate classroom and clinical education, the experience of acupuncture is not optimal. When acupuncture is performed by practitioners without needling technique education, without Clean Needle Technique certification, and without needle technique clinical internship, the experience of needling can be hazardous. Adversely performed acupuncture negatively impacts all those practitioners who are licensed to practice acupuncture. Negative patient feedback especially affects the availability of new patients for Licensed Acupuncturists. It makes good business sense for practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture to safeguard, protect and regulate the teaching and practice of their chosen healing art, Acupuncture. Coalition for Safe Acupuncture Practice seeks to inform and warn the public of the healthcare hazards and the potential for serious injury that exists in undergoing Dry Needling treatment by any healthcare practitioners, including Physical Therapists, who are not also fully trained and licensed as Acupuncturists.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Why Prada Came To China

Why Prada Came To China We divided the paper into 5 sections. The first section is something about the history of the company. The second one explains the reason of Pradas coming to China. The third one introduces the form they come to China. The fourth one is to let you know the specific form, which we know as organization structure, Prada has used to enter China. The last one is conclusion. Our groups idea is to let everyone of us have a full understanding of Prada instead of each person just knowing some pieces of it when the paper done. On this basis, we first make every group member get involved in completing the first three sections. According to this, we make specific divisions. David, the only boy in our group, takes charge of section one. You can find it in page . Lily and Elaine administer the second section. You can find it in page . Then, Joi and Candice write the third one. You can find it in page . On this condition, everyone can get a wide scan of Prada. When we have done all first three sections, we start section four together. This section is about the specific form Prada use in China. The organization structure is an important issue in this years Week of diplomacy, so every one of us needs to grab the main concept of the book we learned in October. Then, we use what we learned to see the organization structure of Prada. This part also needs to answer eig ht basic questions in chapter 10. The reason for we write section four together is the part needs knowledge in book, we want everyone can get enhanced in researching and evaluating Pradas organization structure. Take all the factors such as the equality of divided work into account; we divide the eight problems into five parts. Question one to three is done by Elaine and Lily, question four is done by Candice, question six to seven is made by David and Joi is take charge of the last two questions. The conclusion contains four questions, Candice writes the first, Lily is the second, next is Elaine and the last is David. Since we have done the first four sections together, we have made the resource public in our group. It is no different who do this part. So we divide conclusion part by draw. From now on, we will first introduce the summary of each section. In section one; you can see a brief history of Prada. Mario Prada is the founder of Prada. In 1913, he established a store selling some luxurious commodities. In 1919, the Italian royal family becomes its consumer because of its good fame. In the past so many years, the company has faced many changes. Hundreds of years later, Prada met a very challenge task. They must enlarge their range of sales to avoid being beaten in the global economy. It plays an important role in its expansion career. In section two, there is the reason of Pradas coming to China. It has been explained in section one. This part is concentrated on the details. Prada has been found exploring all over the world. In section three, we can know the form they come to China. Prada is a wholly foreign-owned enterprise company, and this is not the only option which Prada can choose. There are 3 types of investment forms which are called wholly foreign-owned enterprise, Sino-foreign Joint Venture and representative office. In section four, we can look the form in detail. We will see it below and will not have more added words here. I History of Prada Mario Prada is the founder of Prada. In 1913, he established a store selling some luxurious commodities. Fortunately, his goods sell well at the outset and he became a famous and successful businessman in Europe. In 1919, the Italian royal family becomes its consumer because of its good fame. When Miuccia Prada, the grand-daughter of Mario, met with Patricio Bertelli, an unbelievable change occurred. Patricio Bertelli was a businessman who was able to come up with creative ideas from time to time. He built up IPI spa producing Prada leather goods with the Pradas official authorization in 1977. Several years later, the two companies were combined together to pursue the greatest profit. A critical innovation happened in 1983 that the managers of Prada decided to show consumers a total new impression by blending tradition elements with modern architectural setting, which proved to be successful later and resulted in creating fresh products. After 1986, some international cities were sel ected to build chain store by Prada, such as London, Paris and Tokyo. In 1993, a new brand named MiuMiu was designed to appeal to some women who are crazy about purchasing trendy and sophisticated goods. Hundreds of years later, Prada met a very challenge task. They must enlarge their range of sales to avoid being beaten in the global economy. Sooner or later, it will happen to everyone because Chinese manufacturing is so good, Prada designer Miuccia Prada said in an interview. (Prada moves manufacturing into China, MO October 25, 2012, by David) He was the first person to express ideas of expanding the company internationally on the public. His words reveal a new strategy which Prada has made. It is a time that they paid more attention to the market of Asia. Bertelli, another Prada officer, believed that with the improvement of average salary in China, more and more people will be high on some luxurious goods. Therefore, it is a wise decision to build more manufacturing factories, pulsing selling more goods in China. In fact, from the statistics in Prada Spa, we can make a conclusion that Asia, especially China, contributes to the main part of 60% of Pradas net profit in 6 months. Another March report by McKinsey Co., Bloomberg News said Chinas purchases of optional goods will jump to an annual compounded rate of 13.4 per cent between 2010 and 2020. (Prada Embarks on Ambitious Expansion Plan, Misa, , October 25, 2012, by David) That also reminds the leader that China has potential development of economy and lots of Chin ese people have enough money to pay for novel goods. Although some experts estimate that the demand for luxurious commodities will fade considering there is a huge distance of salaries between the rich and the poor in China, Pradas sales are still going up. For this, Prada Spa has targeted to launch 12 to 15 new stores in China alone this year.(Prada Embarks on Ambitious Expansion Plan, Misa, October 25, 2012, by David) It is good news for newly rich people in some developing cities enjoying their lives better, especially rich women. Unsurprisingly, the rate of Pradas expanding is over 50% according to some experts estimates. It states that the Pradas situation in China is fine and the leaders of Prada shouldnt miss this opportunity and make up their minds on grasping it. In addition, in 2011, to strengthen the influences in China, a fashion show named Prada RTW Spring 2011 displayin g a slightly revamped spring collection was hold in Beijing. Pradas company wants to tap further into that growing understanding. The show is part of Pradas plan to continue to expand in the region as it opens more stores in Mainland China and nearby territories. (Miuccia Prada on China, the Web-and more Amanda Kaiser October 25, 2012, by David) The stars like GongLi and Maggie Cheung also attended this fashion show. Miuccia Prada who is CEO of Prada at the present was interviewed by reporters after the end of fashion show. The main idea is that she likes China because China has changed a lot for years and this trend never fade easily. Prada will keep investing the market in China. It is necessary because the first store in China is in Hong Kong but it produces and sells foreign countries mainly. Only big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai can we purchase what we want at present. Meanwhile, the cost of employing a person is relatively cheaper than other countries. If Prada built more factories in China, they can save a lot of money to support more important producing or studying tasks which asked to supply a huge sum of money in time. Some news said that the average of salary in American is 27 times than that in China, while the span of salary of Chinese workers and American workers sounds more exaggerate, which announced that Chinese workers average salary is only 4% of American workers average salary. On the other side, more job positions will be offered if Prada built more factories in China, which is expected by most of the college students considering more and more intense competition is happened in China. Prada can also use local resources to produce more goods if it enters into China. China is a big country and has rich natural resources. If all Prada goods are imported from America, tariff will be a serious problem which Prada must be faced. We thin k the tariff in China is high and sometimes corrupt power also hinders the development of trade. To some degree, building factories in China may save some expenses. To sum up, we believe that four factors contribute to Pradas entering into Chinese market. The first is broad market, which makes sure that Prada will have enough sales channels. The second is the improvement of Chinese salary. Chinese people are able to consume luxurious goods now. The third is cost. Employing a Chinese worker cost less than employing an America worker. The fourth is local resources. Using local resources can let up expenditures. II Why PRADA came to China Prada as the symbol of luxury fashion has launched in many parts of the world. In its Asia Pacific market, the Chinese parts can not be ignored. Prada has a globalization strategy which contains opening 80 stores per year at the end of 2014, and it was doubted by some experts who said the ambitious strategy may weak the long-term value of the brand. (What Pradas IPO Says about the Bigger Picture, LUXURY SOCIETY,, October 24, 2012, by Elaine), and coming to China is a part of its whole strategy. China is the country with the most amount of population. These years China has been developing faster and faster, and more and more Chinese who can afford luxury things has appeared. Many famous brands such as Dior, Chanel, and Levis all take China as the new area to raise their sales standards. So do the Prada. In fact, Prada develops very well in China though it has some difficulty at the beginning. Prada has made retail on the Internet and China is one of the big markets. The direct retail plays an important role in earning Pradas salary (Prada Rocks the Trend Audrey Phoon October 24, 2012, by Elaine) so it is important for Prada to make good use of the China market. But as a famous luxury brand, Prada should keep a balance between increasing supply and the desire which consumers want to buy the products. As usual, we fairy men do not want to spend so much money on just something not that useful. But when it comes to people who are rich enough and want to be different and Prada makes sense. If so many people wear or use things same as those rich people, they will loose the desire to buy the products of Prada. Prada needs to know what is the purpose of their expansion and it may do better by always recognizing what kind of people is their customers (What Pradas IPO Says about the Bigger Picture, LUXURY SOCIETY,, October 24, 2012, by Elaine). As we say above coming to China is just a part of Pradas globalization, the brand also expands somewhere else. Unfortunately, we did not find the specific answer. However, according to the 2011 annual report, when they did the feedback on the market sales, we can see they have lots of markets such as the Asia Pacific market, the European market, the Italian market, Japan market and the American market. It is not hard to see that the brand has sold itself all over the world. And the condition of each market sales is very well so we can be sure that Pradas globalization strategy is a right choice (PRADA annual report, PRADA Group, Page36, October 24, 2012, by Elaine) Prada is an Italian brand. As a result, there are many obstacles for Prada to come to China. There are many differences between Italy and China, including governments, business practice and customs and personal differences. Firstly, there are many differences in governments between Italy and China. For an example, the taxes of Italy are different from Hong Kong, China. In Italy, the investors are asked to pay the tax called Italian capital gains tax. On this condition, if you make profits from selling your shares, you should pay the tax at a level of 27 percentages. It is as the same as the income tax in the rate they should hand in. However, in Hong Kong, China, it is quite different. As usual, the investors in Hong Kong who are involved in IPOs dont need to pay this kind of tax. (What Pradas IPO Says about the Bigger Picture, LUXURY SOCIETY, , October 25, 2012, by Lily) Secondly, there are many differences in business practice and customs. Their culture is different. With the time passing by, the consumers in China are more nitpick about the luxury brands. In the past, they want to show their strengths, status, and their financial conditions through their clothes. They prefer to brands instead of quality, design and so on. However, this condition has changed. Now, the consumers have a taste which is detailed with high quality and perfect design. This condition make Prada attract more people in China. (China luxury battles shifting tastes, Emily Jane Fox,, October 25, 2012, by Lily) In an interview, the founder of Prada, Miuccia Prada, says that there are many barriers to resolve such as cultural differences. From her opinion, the world has become a global village. So the fashion should adapt the village with different religious, costumes and something else. Prior to this, it images the spirit of a small group. It means that they dont need to produce peculiar products for peculiar markets. However, they should adapt the worlds trends which is becoming bigger and bigger. She thinks it is a big challenge. Feminists have mixed feelings with love and hate. Feminists want to find facility about the standards of beauty and Womens externalization. In USA, feminism is not a widely used word any longer, which results from the liberation of women. Miuccia Prada says that it has a long way to go. However, in China, the womens rights are still a concerned problem. Because a large amount of women are devoting themselves into their work and their buying power is associated wi th their social power. (Prada and Chinese Feminists, PALM BEACH Woman TM Magazine,, October 29, 2012, by Lily) Thirdly, there were some personal differences within the company in deciding that China was a good market for Prada. In a report, the news agency declared that the choice of Hong Kong for Prada as a listing site triggered controversy in Italy. However, Miuccia Prada told people that the controversy has been solved and it was an easy decision because of Chinas association as a big economy and its large demands on luxury products. (What Pradas IPO Says about the Bigger Picture, LUXURY SOCIETY, , October 25, 2012, by Lily) III The form they come to China Italian brand Prada which was famous at the beginning for its shoes and handbag is one of the leaders among the luxury companies. The products of Prada such as bags, clothes and shoes are all popular with the customers. To some extent, if someone wears Prada clothes, then, people will think that one has good fashion taste and high social status. With the rapid development of Chinas economy and technology, the life of people changes a lot and gets better and better. Meanwhile, peoples demands become much more multiple and complex, not only for the most basic necessities, they begin to pursue a more upscale sophisticated lifestyle, including the purchase and collection of luxury. So, Prada took the notice of Chinas potential market and finally, Prada made a right decision that is entering the market of China. Prada is a foreign investment company. company invests money to open direct in China Prada operates in China through about 25 directly operated stores and a network of selected high-end multi-brand stores and luxury department stores. Whether the sale of Prada is good or bad has nothing to do with the Chinese Government and us Chinese citizens. Prada is responsible for its own profit and loss, as well as the companys management. (Italy keen to bring FDI in fashion, textiles, Business Line Company,, 11-2-2012, by Joi) Prada is a wholly foreign-owned enterprise company, and this is not the only option which Prada can choose. There are 3 types of investment forms which are called wholly foreign-owned enterprise, Sino-foreign Joint Venture and representative office. Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures need the foreign companys cooperation with their Chinese partners. Usually, the foreign company provides money and the Chinese company provides human resources and land use rights or the other needed items. Also, the Chinese company should handle problems with the Chinese bureaucracy if any difficulty shows up during the process of producing or purchasing. LV is an obviously example of this investment way. Under this circumstance, both of them dont need to calculate the contribution ratios so that they can achieve the profit totally according to the terms of negotiate without disagreement. It is often used for BOT projects. In addition, the first steps for Prada outlet can possibly use the way of Representative Offices, although establish a Representative Office is not the most popular way for foreign investors in China. Strictly speaking, it is barred from many ways like executing direct business activities and it cannot receive the money for it services in some cases. Beside, its staff will not even agree with the terms. To get large profit in this way can be a little difficulty for a company in some conditions. Normally, it is used for purposes just like market liaison, research or product sourcing. The Representative Offices is popular because its not only relatively quick and easy, but also inexpensive to establish. On the other hand, wholly foreign owned enterprises allow the form of 100% foreign ownership. It is so attractive to the foreign investors, whose number has been increased recent years. It is very popular among investors that not only has little experience in investing, but also want to avoid the barriers with the Chinese partner and governments policy. Also many famous brands, for instance, UGG are a member of this team who also prefers to use this entry vehicle. Nowadays, foreign investors are more willing to take the risk of acting this way, said some financial experts. Thus, wholly foreign owned enterprise is not Pradas only option, but it can be the best. (Prada Outlet,,mod=2sourceid=chromeie=UTF-8 ,11-07-2012, by Candice ¼Ã¢â‚¬ ° IV The Organization Structure Taken by Prada in Coming to China Miuccia Prada, who is Prada named by, says that Now fashion embraces the whole world with different religions, costumes, et cetera, et cetera. Before, it reflected the spirit of a small group. There is just one collection, and we dont make specific things for specific markets, but try to accommodate a world which has become a lot bigger. Its a lot more difficult in this sense. (Prada and Chinese Feminists, PALM BEACH Womanà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ Magazine,, October 29, 2012, by Lily) She thinks the world contains so many different cultures and styles. It is hard to make each people satisfied. She argues that it may not that useful to try to appeal to everyone in every different country. But on the other hand, we can try to build a bigger world, let the different styles be mixed and create a new style. It can be more difficult to accomplish due to the different thinking. No matter how the idea will impact the result, we can sa y Prada is a company which has creative thinking and it can make a big difference from other luxury brand. It is a typical global strategy Prada uses. Organizational structure is the formal system of task and job reporting relationships that determines how employees use resources to achieve organizational goals. Not only the global strategy is the factors that influence a companys organizational structure, the organizational environment, technology, human resources also do. The outside organizational environment is stable at the second-the hard time is over and Prada gain praise when compared to other related brands. It may result in a decentralized authority system, and the organizational system is not that tight. Of course, the chain of production is always tight and strict. What we say stable here is their structure which is used to hunt overseas markets. When it comes to human resources, Prada has hired many talented people who may probable require freedom and autonomy. It may a lso result in the decentralized and flexible structure. All of above, we believe that the organization is decentralized and flexible. From where we stand, the organization is organized in the best way in the short term. The world is changing fast, so their organization structure can be changed in the long run. Prada has a large team for development of production. They think creativity is the most important things. To make their product lead the worlds fashion, the standards to enter the company they have set are more difficult to meet. Prada always tries to select best one of their field in the employment market. The company will not miss the chance to grab the talents who are still at school, too. (PRADA annual report, PRADA Group, Page26, October 24, 2012, by Lily) Their fair and pellucid ways to select has drawn many excellences attention. It is not hard to see the company has employed many talented people. Their skills vary a lot. Some of them good at designing, some have an advantage in industry manufacturing, some can see higher than others of the whole business cycle. Their different skills can give them the bases to let the idea of a designer become a real product for business. Whats more, Prada is very strict to their cycle of production. Prada even hire specialized people no matter in or out of their local country to take charge of their quality monitoring. External manufacturing is also charged by the checker. (Business Model, Prada Group,, October 25, 2012, by Elaine) The important reason they are so strict is that they think their task is significant enough for them to devote themselves to it. Prada thinks feedback is also important; the company makes annual report every year. Workers can get direct information about how their job is done. Task significance and skill variety allow employee to realize their job is meaningful. It results in Pradas all-round and consistent success since most of their employees have high motivation, performance and satisfaction. (PRADA annual report, PRADA Group, Page26, October 24, 2012, by Lily) We can see the employees have much motivation to do the ir jobs and due to which they become more and stricter to themselves. As what we say above, China is an important part in its globalization strategy, so the manager who is ready to locate in China needs to pay attention to every aspect. There are many tools for a manager to improve his or her job, and the job enlargement and job enrichment we learned before plays an important role. At first, we will explain that what is the job enlargement and job enrichment. Job enlargement is to increase the number of tasks for a given job. Job enrichment is to increase the degree of responsibility a worker has over a job can lead to increased worker involvement. With the development of technology, some people in some company feel boring with their work and dont want to take part in the work. It will decrease the efficiency. On this condition, its necessary to conduct job enlargement and job enrichment. We will state my opinion about how a typical job in China can be enlarged and enriched. We choose a middle manager to express my view. Only a group of elites can not constitute an excellent team. The more important thing is that everyone can do his own work well. Its important to have a good middle manager. At first, the manager should know what he or she should do to achieve their goal and have his or her own thoughts. The manager can divide the works into several groups and make them speak out their opinion about how to do well in their job. Secondly, the manager should distribute appropriate assignments to the subordinates. From our opinion, the appropriate number is two or three. Every task has its requirement and purpose. The manager should set standards for them to estimate. The feedback will be a good choice. Thirdly, the manager can give help to the subordinates. It doesnt mean that the manager should be responsible for the task. If the manager gives too much help, the subordinates will lose enthusiasm. Then, the manager sometimes should have a meeting to ask for information about the tasks and solve the problems together. Everyone can learn from another one. At last, we think team spirit is the most important. What can a manager do in China to improve cohesion? The manager can create a comfortable atmosphere. For an example, he or she can open a snack corner with food and drinks for the worker to chat or have a break. After work, the manager can get the workers together to have a dinner or go to a KTV to relax. The manager can have a harmonious interpersonal relationship with them and listen for their suggestions. In general, Prada Company uses the flat organizational hierarchy. Strictly, it is a hybrid structure. It is not a part of a chain, besides, it has the completed structure and the designing organizational structure is divided into different by function and division. Each department can be adjusted easily by functions and divisions so that they can coordinate with each other when the company faces different types of difficulties. Also, the flat organizational hierarchy with market structure can work. It should be a boundary less organization, there is direct contact between boss and staffs. If it is improve like this, everyone has more chance to play a liaison role to contact with constant other people. This new structure can improve the employee relationships so that staffs in Prada can feel superiors care about themselves and get ready for new challenges, which can let the company get both more effectiveness and efficiency. As far as I am concerned, the structure can influence the outcome and the organizations culture. Organizational structure can determine that how employees use resources and how can they achieve the goals. In another word, to some degree, organizational structure can decide the ways in which employees feel, think and behave even affect their values, beliefs, and norms. Advances in technology and the human resource is what an organizational structure depends on. However, the most important thing is the design of a companys organizational structure. When people have to work together and accomplish their goals, they have to interact frequently. And after that, with deeply knowing with each other, the harmony in the organization can be better and better. This helps the company accomplish its final goalearning more money. (Prada group, organizational structure,, November 2, 2012, by Candice) According to the diagram which I found on the Internet, we believe the organization can be divided into four levels. (Organizational structure,  © Prada, October 28, 2012, by David) The top level is Board of Directors. It is an institution shouldering the responsibilities for stockholders and the company. It has rights to formulate financial budget schemes or final accounting of revenue and expenditure projects. Allocation of profit schemes and covering the deficit is also jobs for Board of Directors. To sum up, Board of Directors is a brain of a company, which decides what to do next and releases the most authoritative commands. The second levels are CEO, Chairman and Deputy Chairman. They receive the consensual messages which Board of Directors has been discussed. All they should do is to study the task and allocate each step to different departments. They are critical in that if they fail to evaluate the situation, the following things which would be done next are not meaningful at all. In general, function is a significant factor influencing the division of the organization, completing that Prada. The leaders of various departments organize their specific manufacturing processes according to the indexes or targets which they are required to reach. The leaders of the bottom level are asked to complete one part of the specific targets. For example, the bottom level may be a workshop producing tyres in a car plant. Our team supposes that Prada is a decentralized organization. Each level only controls the next level. Everyone in this firm can express ideas about the projects or the tasks. Although Prada was a centralized firm in the past, it has been transforming into a decentralized organization. In history, Pradas development is depended on the creator, Mario Prada, a merchant who had a sense of business opportunities and investment. However, his successor was not able to manage this business effectively and efficiently compared with Mario Prada, which resulted in the decline of Pradas sales last century. To avoid this happened again, Prada managers are willing to listen to their employees voices and consider the possibilities of practicing their suggestions. There is no doubt that the present construction of authority is appropriate for Prada. Patricio Bertelli, owner and CEO of Prada recently stated that he is confident in the future development of the Prada brand and distribution network. Prada has invested ten million euros in the TRANSFORMER project, a design innovation to be presented at Saul, Korea during this month. Miuccia Prada will personally attend to the official launch of the project and she is confident that this investment will be beneficial in the near future for both Korea and the entire region. (PRADA shows confidence in future and continues investments,,  © 2009 cpp luxury, October 28, 2012, by David) Meanwhile, about EUR 1000 million revenues that Prada had achieved in 2011. Prada and Miu Mi

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Catcher in the Rye Essay: Holden’s Metamorphosis -- Catcher Rye Essays

Holden's Metamorphosis in The Catcher in the Rye      Ã‚  Ã‚   J. D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye is the chronicle of a young man's metamorphosis from immaturity to unsure manhood. Holden Caulfield, the protagonist, is a sixteen-year old boy who leaves the prep school he has been expelled from to escape the frightening reality of dealing with his parents. However, during his visit to New York City he is faced with the harsh reality that he cannot continue to hold onto his childhood. Holden is an extremely complex character and it is only by examining each layer of him that the reader is able to understand his painful metamorphosis.    There have been many debates over the morality of Holden. At the time of publication many critics saw Holden as a poor specimen of the youth of America. As the story opens he has flunked out of prep school for the third time and decides to run away to New York unbeknownst to his parents or the school authorities. Holden uses obscenities and blasphemes multiple times within sentences; he attempts to solicit a prostitute, and even calls himself a coward. True, Holden does not fair well when held up to the conventional moral codes of a young man of the fifties. Nevertheless, the reader must keep in mind that however complex Holden is, he is still just a boy trying to understand and be accepted by the world around him. Holden hides behind the profanities he uses. He does not use them referring to a person, but rather as a vague intensifier for his thoughts. Holden uses them to appear tough and to hide his insecurities as a teenager. He also bargains for the services of a prostitute his f irst night in the city. However, Holden does not have sex with her after he becomes sad talking to her. He do... ...says on Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye. Joel Salzberg. Boston, Massachusetts: G.K. Hall & Co., 1990. 23-24. 3. Jacobs, Robert G. "The Catcher in the Rye: Holden Caulfield's Goddamn Autobiography." If You Wanted to Know. Marsden, Malcolm M. Chicago, Illinois: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1963. 55-62. 4. Kaplan, Charles. "Holden and Huck: The Odysseys of Youth." If You Wanted to Know. Marsden, Malcolm M. Chicago, Illinois: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1963. 127-130. 5. Lettis, Richard. The Catcher in the Rye. Great Neck, New York: Barron's Educational Series, Inc., 1964. 1-18. 6. Maclean, Hugh. "Conservatism in Modern American Fiction." If You Wanted to Know. Marsden, Malcolm M. Chicago, Illinois: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1963. 14-15 7. Salinger, J.D. The Catcher in the Rye. Boston, Massachusettes: Little, Brown and Company, 1951. 1-277.    Catcher in the Rye Essay: Holden’s Metamorphosis -- Catcher Rye Essays Holden's Metamorphosis in The Catcher in the Rye      Ã‚  Ã‚   J. D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye is the chronicle of a young man's metamorphosis from immaturity to unsure manhood. Holden Caulfield, the protagonist, is a sixteen-year old boy who leaves the prep school he has been expelled from to escape the frightening reality of dealing with his parents. However, during his visit to New York City he is faced with the harsh reality that he cannot continue to hold onto his childhood. Holden is an extremely complex character and it is only by examining each layer of him that the reader is able to understand his painful metamorphosis.    There have been many debates over the morality of Holden. At the time of publication many critics saw Holden as a poor specimen of the youth of America. As the story opens he has flunked out of prep school for the third time and decides to run away to New York unbeknownst to his parents or the school authorities. Holden uses obscenities and blasphemes multiple times within sentences; he attempts to solicit a prostitute, and even calls himself a coward. True, Holden does not fair well when held up to the conventional moral codes of a young man of the fifties. Nevertheless, the reader must keep in mind that however complex Holden is, he is still just a boy trying to understand and be accepted by the world around him. Holden hides behind the profanities he uses. He does not use them referring to a person, but rather as a vague intensifier for his thoughts. Holden uses them to appear tough and to hide his insecurities as a teenager. He also bargains for the services of a prostitute his f irst night in the city. However, Holden does not have sex with her after he becomes sad talking to her. He do... ...says on Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye. Joel Salzberg. Boston, Massachusetts: G.K. Hall & Co., 1990. 23-24. 3. Jacobs, Robert G. "The Catcher in the Rye: Holden Caulfield's Goddamn Autobiography." If You Wanted to Know. Marsden, Malcolm M. Chicago, Illinois: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1963. 55-62. 4. Kaplan, Charles. "Holden and Huck: The Odysseys of Youth." If You Wanted to Know. Marsden, Malcolm M. Chicago, Illinois: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1963. 127-130. 5. Lettis, Richard. The Catcher in the Rye. Great Neck, New York: Barron's Educational Series, Inc., 1964. 1-18. 6. Maclean, Hugh. "Conservatism in Modern American Fiction." If You Wanted to Know. Marsden, Malcolm M. Chicago, Illinois: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1963. 14-15 7. Salinger, J.D. The Catcher in the Rye. Boston, Massachusettes: Little, Brown and Company, 1951. 1-277.   

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Fate of The Donner Party Essay -- American History, Cannibalism Th

Desperate times call for desperate measures. This advice has been used as a way to justify questionable actions in times of despair for many years. Following the advice, the Donner Party did whatever they could to survive. Stuck in a snowstorm, the group is believed to have reverted back to animalistic ways, and devoured each other to survive. While no one knows the truth of that fateful winter, many agree that cannibalism was their main form of survival. Though the Donner Party’s travels were not well documented and many details remain controversial, it is evident that they resorted to cannibalism to survive. During their western voyage, the group notoriously known as the â€Å"Donner Party† inevitably became trapped in a snowstorm in the winter of 1846 and 1847. Originally, the group set out for California in search of new opportunities. Figure 1 shows the path that the party followed to arrive in their set destination. After departing from Springfield, Illinois, the Donner’s first stop was in Independence, Missouri where they joined the rest of their traveling companions. The party had then planned on arriving at Fort Bridger to join another expedition, but they were too late and the expedition left without them (Johnson, 1). They left from Fort Bridger on July 31, 1846 using their own navigation skills in hopes of landing at their destination (Diamond, 2). When an unfortunate snowstorm hit, the group was left stranded. To make matters worse, they were split up between Truckee Lake and Alder Creek. They struggled during this time for they had few supplies and a limited fo od source. Of the 81 person party, only 45 survived the horrendous conditions (Johnson, 1). That number of casualties may seem fairly typical based on the condit... ... alone is irrational let alone poor reasoning to enforce the disagreement. They did most likely consume wild animals but were in no way dependent on them. Out of desperation, the Donner Party had to have resorted to cannibalism. The Donner Party experienced harsh measures and had to come to extremely important decisions regarding survival. Many still deny the possibility that the party resorted to cannibalism in spite of a serious lack of proof and virtually no records of the events stating otherwise. On the other hand, many just â€Å"want to tell the story of their life over those final months, not just of cannibalism. [They] wasn’t to restore the humanity to the members of that party – and to their descendants† (Bailey, 1). Despite such controversy, the party has ultimately been linked to cannibalism, and based on the events, that is most obviously what occurred.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Is technology a boon or a bane Essay

Technology offers us an escape to inconvenience and makes work lighter and provocative. Personally, technology gives me a lot of benefits. Tasks get lighter, distance gets shorter, communication gets faster, to reiterate some. In my field of work, I use MP3 attached to a speaker to play the songs I want to teach the kids; having said that, I always make sure that I know the song really well that in case of some technical difficulties like interruption of electric power supply or empty batteries, I can still teach the song without using my MP3. Same case when I’m using PowerPoint Presentation. I always have backups. Though technology makes our lives easier, as a teacher we are still reminded that technology will not reach the inner soul of the children. We need to look them in the eye while presenting the lesson through the projector. We need to hold them when we present the sense of touch. We need to utter the words to them when we want them to understand and truly learn the lesson.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Labor Systems Essay

There was a decrease in the popularity/ usage of forced labor systems. This was caused by Enlightenment thinking and the recent success of the Haitian revolution. Most of the movements that led to this improvement were led by Simon Bolivar. In the Caribbean, slavery was abolished. It was abolished several years before other regions like the US because of pressure from British labor unions. However, even though slavery was legally abolished, slaves were still obligated to stay with their masters and take on apprenticeships. Women became more involved in society. Women came to Latin America, mainly indentured servants, and they were given work. This was not a large breakthrough though because the only jobs they were given would be domestic work like being house servants or maids. Changes: There was a decrease in the popularity/ usage of forced labor systems. This was caused by Enlightenment thinking and the recent success of the Haitian revolution. Most of the movements that led to this improvement were led by Simon Bolivar. In the Caribbean, slavery was abolished. It was abolished several years before other regions like the US because of pressure from British labor unions. However, even though slavery was legally abolished, slaves were still obligated to stay with their masters and take on apprenticeships. Women became more involved in society. Women came to Latin America, mainly indentured servants, and they were given work. This was not a large breakthrough though because the only jobs they were given would be domestic work like being house servants or maids. Changes: There was a decrease in the popularity/ usage of forced labor systems. This was caused by Enlightenment thinking and the recent success of the Haitian revolution. Most of the movements that led to this improvement were led by Simon Bolivar. In the Caribbean, slavery was abolished. It was abolished several years before other regions like the US because of pressure from British labor unions. However, even though slavery was legally abolished, slaves were still obligated to stay with their masters and take on apprenticeships. Women became more involved in society. Women came to Latin America, mainly indentured servants, and they were given work. This was not a large breakthrough though because the only jobs they were given would be domestic work like being house servants or maids. Changes: There was a decrease in the popularity/ usage of forced labor systems. This was caused by Enlightenment thinking and the recent success of the Haitian revolution. Most of the movements that led to this improvement were led by Simon Bolivar. In the Caribbean, slavery was abolished. It was abolished several years before other regions like the US because of pressure from British labor unions. However, even though slavery was legally abolished, slaves were still obligated to stay with their masters and take on apprenticeships. Women became more involved in society. Women came to Latin America, mainly indentured servants, and they were given work. This was not a large breakthrough though because the only jobs they were given would be domestic work like being house servants or maids. Changes: There was a decrease in the popularity/ usage of forced labor systems. This was caused by Enlightenment thinking and the recent success of the Haitian revolution. Most of the movements that led to this improvement were led by Simon Bolivar. In the Caribbean, slavery was abolished. It was abolished several years before other regions like the US because of pressure from British labor unions. However, even though slavery was legally abolished, slaves were still obligated to stay with their masters and take on apprenticeships. Women became more involved in society. Women came to Latin America, mainly indentured servants, and they were given work. This was not a large breakthrough though because the only jobs they were given would be domestic work like being house servants or maids. Changes: There was a decrease in the popularity/ usage of forced labor systems. This was caused by Enlightenment thinking and the recent success of the Haitian revolution. Most of the movements that led to this improvement were led by Simon Bolivar. In the Caribbean, slavery was abolished. It was abolished several years before other regions like the US because of pressure from British labor unions. However, even though slavery was legally abolished, slaves were still obligated to stay with their masters and take on apprenticeships. Women became more involved in society. Women came to Latin America, mainly indentured servants, and they were given work. This was not a large breakthrough though because the only jobs they were given would be domestic work like being house servants or maids.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Impact of Islam on West Africa Essay

Islam impacted West Africa in many ways. It changed the people’s views of their rulers, and in some people, even the way they viewed the world. Other aspects stayed the same, like the beliefs of the pagan people and how they lived. The most important connection that Islam made globally was the establishment of trading centers and routes. When Muslims brought Islam into West Africa from across the Sahara, Africans were attracted to it because it helped them through a time where their rulers were changing. Rulers were extremely attracted to the Islamic idea of state and religion being united under one ruler because they thought it would help reinforce their authority. Also, many lower people converted to Islam because of its egalitarian beliefs. The fact that all people were viewed as equals appealed to them, for they then would be equal to the people that looked down upon them. In many ways, Islam changed the views of the people in West Africa. As Islam was growing rapidly, many people were converting, yet pagan people did not want to change their polytheistic views on life because that was the only thing they had to look forward to. Unlike Hinduism, Islam was very strict when it came to including other beliefs along with theirs. Pagan people made up a large part of the West African population. Therefore in order for Islam to spread even further, Sufi mystics integrated pagan beliefs into Islam. The beliefs did not change, and the pagan people were at peace with the pagan people and its ideas. In global context, Islam made an important connection with other parts of the world through trade. West Africa had many points where Muslims established trading centers that traded with Asia and Europe. Trade spread Islamic ideas to other parts of the world, introducing new regions and empires to egalitarian and monotheistic beliefs. These beliefs helped other regions in the world deal with war, conquering of their land, and unlawful taxation that was part of the people’s daily lives. Without establishing trade routes, Islam could not have impacted other parts of the world as much as it had in such a short time. The changes Islam made in the views of the West Africans helped them get through rough times, and unified them. The continuity of the beliefs of the pagan people also helped Islam spread, and kept most of the empire in order. The impact of Islam in multiple ways helped unify West Africa, and established important connections around the world.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Gadget Addiction

First it was ‘texter's thumb'. Now gadget addicts are coming down with ‘text neck'. Today, many patients are suffering neck pain from spending too much time hunched over phones and computers. The rise of smartphones and tablet computers has fuelled the problem. The extra capability for playing games and browsing the Internet on smartphones means they tend to be used for longer periods. And unlike laptops, tablet computers are often placed flat on the lap, meaning you crane your neck over to view the screen.Knee and hip replacement surgeon Dr Kaushal Malhan says, â€Å"Technology has made life easier, but at the same time brought in newer problems. The easy accessibility to almost any information and quick communication through the use of smartphones and laptops has made them an invaluable resource. At the same time, their indiscriminate use has brought in new health problems. † It is common to find people using their laptops for hours at a stretch. Smartphones now work as mini computers and it is not unusual to find people busy with their phones which are much more than simply a means of communication. People often complain of neck and back pain, and the cause for these can often be sourced to indiscriminate laptop use in an incorrect posture. These patients often have a good range of movements with pain mainly at the end of the day,† adds Dr Malhan. Orthopaedic surgeon Dr Ashish Arbat agrees. â€Å"Today, we are observing many young patients who are into gadgets with wry neck, which is caused by continuous craning of the neck for texting, etc. † He advises that one should exercise one's neck daily and stretch the cervical and trapezial muscle, with a healthy habit of sleeping supine straight, with balanced diet to prevent wry neck.How to avoid such problems – Use a chair of correct height so that your legs comfortably reach the floor. – Table height and computer monitor height should be at your eye level so that yo u are not forced to adopt unphysiologic postures. – Elbows should be well supported on armrest or table in front of you. – Do not forget to blink your eyes intermittently to reduce eye fatigue. – Change your posture every now and then and regular breaks in between. – Stretch out all muscle groups whenever you have the opportunity. – Regular stretching exercises are a must for people who sit for long hours.In case of problems like neck pain, see a doctor to rule out other non-postural causes. Once that is ruled out, one can look at changing habits and lifestyle as advocated above. A short course of anti-inflammatory medication and hot packs with gentle massage should help. — Dr Kaushal Malhan http://articles. timesofindia. indiatimes. com/2012-08-03/fitness/33002266_1_neck-pain-text-neck-tablet-computers Carl Alasko: How will gadget addiction affect us? Carl Alasko On Relationships Posted: 04/08/2012 12:06:07 AM PDT Updated: 04/08/2012 12:06: 07 AM PDT Dear Dr. Alasko: Our two sons, ages 9 and 13, love technology.My husband is himself a computer geek so he thinks it's great. He says the more they know the better equipped they'll be for their future. But I worry about the human side of their lives. For instance, when they're together with their friends, all of them seem to be looking at their gadgets and doing very little talking. I worry that they won't be able to form healthy adult relationships and bond with their own children — except maybe through technology. Dear Reader: You have a right to be worried. We don't yet know if there are permanent developmental problems when children have constant access to fast-moving technology.At this point the â€Å"experts† seem divided. About half are optimistic. They believe that electronically connected youth will have the advantage of being nimble analysts and fast decision makers. The others are pessimistic. They worry that hyper-connected young people are too dis tracted by constant input to have deep-thinking capabilities. And they're not able to retain information and train their brain to remember things because everything is instantly available on their phone. Then there's the question of face-to-face relationship skills and the ability to focus on emotional issues.My personal concern is that boys who grow up completely immersed in the electronic connectivity of video games, texting and ear-buds will not be capable of the extended focus required to deal Advertisement with the complex world of emotional issues, the kind that every adult relationship requires. There's a physiological analogy with our vision. If you do a lot of reading as a child in dim light, your eyes strain to see the tiny printed words and in response your eyeballs actually become enlarged. This condition leads to extreme myopia.It seems logical to suppose that if a child's growing brain is subjected to constant fast-moving images and scattered input from video games, te xts, etc. , the child's brain will lose the ability to remain focused on one issue beyond a few seconds. From the psychological point of view, the term â€Å"deep-thinking capabilities† is the biggest area of concern. I recently read about how we are losing our ability to do long-term thinking, the kind that happens when, for instance, a person spends a few hours walking in a forest. During extended periods of rest (without media), the brain automatically sorts things out on its own.We can â€Å"think through† complex problems. Supporting this idea is the fact that we must have periods of deep sleep. Only during REM sleep does our brain recalibrate and settle down. If we consistently interrupt REM sleep the person develops a kind of psychosis. As I said earlier, you have a right to be worried. The goal would be to achieve a balanced, moderate use of technology. But promoting these behaviors in your technology-dominant family will be difficult. However, if you strongly believe in the wisdom of moderation, your belief (and common sense) should provide the energy to effect meaningful change.Carl Alasko, a licensed marriage and family therapist, is the author of â€Å"Emotional BS† and â€Å"Beyond Blame. † For information about his books, see: carlalasko. com. Contact him at [email  protected] com . http://www. montereyherald. com/carlalasko/ci_20351336 Modern menace: Society's addiction to gadgets Top ArticleAll 4 Articles 2 of 4 by Nanette Piotrowski Created on: February 19, 2013 Just ask any six year-old to put down his cell-phone or controller to a video game to come to the table to eat and you have your answer to the statement.They would rather starve to death than do it. Children no longer know what to do with themselves without them. The statement ‘go outside and play' is foreign. If you told them to play a game of tag, they would look at you like you'd lost your mind. Unfortunately it is the parents who have turned the young ones into veritable Zombies. The parents are the ones who fortunately (or unfortunately), benefited from the advancement of modern conveniences; whether it is appliances like washer/dryers, toasters, coffee pots and micro-wave ovens to cell-phones, computers and fancy cars.Somewhere and somehow with time, people have forgotten how to wash dishes and clothes by hand, cook over an open fire, use a broom and live by candle-light or lantern. Heaven forbid! Whereas modern technology has made crucial advances like medicine and surgery, time travel shorter (planes, trains, automobiles) and life easier, it has also created a decline in family time, creative thought, obesity and believe it or not, intelligence.Today a majority of the population (particularly children), cannot add, subtract, multiply and divide (without a calculator), spell (without spell check) or count back change for a dollar, balance a checkbook, change a tire, work on a car, and in a lot of cases, can't even cook. So regardless of technological advances (by a brilliant few), the remainder of the population has become inept, unproductive robots. It is a sad state of affairs to see adults and/or children sitting in a restaurant texting someone, only to find out that it is to each other.Cell-phones, while a possible convenience and safety gadget (calling for help), is also one of the main reasons for deadly car accidents. Most people can't walk and chew gum at the same time, let alone operate a motor vehicle that weighs 3,000 pounds safely while they are talking and texting. Besides these issues, there is also the fact that these modern gadgets also make it possible for government intrusion. Cameras in the television, GPS in vehicles and cell-phones, direct accessibility into your computer; every move you make can be accounted for and watched.Very real intrusions of privacy which can be very menacing. The big question to be asked here is: â€Å"How would society react if there was a complete el ectrical and satellite shut-down? † It could happen whether caused by a meteor, massive volcanic explosion, hackers or terrorists. Think about it; could you and/or your family survive without all the modern gadgetry and convenience? Would you know what to do? And what if it was the worst case scenario where it was impossible to return to the current standard of things and we were thrown back to the 1800's.Truly, society's addiction to gadgetry has become our greatest menace; that of how to cope without them http://www. helium. com/items/2422560-addiction-to-gadgets-in-modern-society Gadget Addiction Making People Crazy Gadgets and machines have become an integral part of our lives. What would we do without them These gizmos are like a necessary condition now which make our lives complete. However, we must keep in mind that everything has its own limit otherwise it can become a cause for concern and in extreme cases, fatal. Market of devices and gadgets seems to be flooded with production.Day in and day out new technologies appear in front of us. If one has bought the latest mobile phone or laptop etc then he does not have much time to feel proud on that because the next day there would be much more superior device than that in the market. This is one of the reasons of addiction. The present day is no less crazy. We are now getting addicted to those things which five years ago we had not thought of even. Earlier people would go and talk to people they know, spend time with them but now they love to talk to their gadgets.Once my friend showed me an application of speaking Tom-cat in her mobile phone which repeats everything you speak and told that she spends a long time with it.. seems crazy.. The effect of this addiction is that people even can’t resist themselves from taking calls and accessing Facebook and other social networking sites during office hours. The lure of being constantly in touch is so strong that they don’t stop sending text messages even if they are told to switch off their phones. It creates a distraction from work. The devices supposed to increase the productivity are giving an opposite effect.In fact the worst affected are the youths. In most of the schools use of cell phones is banned but many of the students carry them. Use of costly and hi-fi gadgets has become a status symbol among them. Daily on way to my work, I see children in school uniforms of age not more than 15 carrying smart phones, iPods etc. It has become a trend now. They push their parents to buy them the latest cell phone or other gizmos because their peers use it. HOW TO GET OVER THIS ADDICTION Gaining or using anything in excess frequently becomes a source of disturbance.It is very important to prevent this. There should be some time bounds to use gadgets. Getting dependent on them is harmful. We will have to learn to balance and manage time. It is important to have a balance between our different engagements such as time spent with family and friends, office work, proper rest as well on gadgets. â€Å"We are exposing brains to an environment and asking them to do things we weren’t necessarily evolved to do. We know already there are consequences. † http://writerspavilion. hubpages. com/hub/-Gadget-Addiction-Making-People-Crazy